Distant: Chapter 77

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Tara calls out my name and runs toward me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hey Babes!" I call out as we approach one another and hug. Tara and I pull away and she looks at Andrew. "Hey Andrew." Tara says as he approaches us. "Hey." He smiles. "Come on everyone's waiting." She says pulling both of us with her. We meet up with everyone and say hi and hug them all. We say hi to everybody except Colby and his girlfriend. They're just sitting down on the sand talking, his arm wrapped around her waist. My heart breaks just looking at them. I don't know why. That's not true I know exactly why I just don't want to and refuse to believe it. Colby looks up and our eyes meet his immediately soften and I can see sadness deep down inside them. He gets up and pulls the girl up with him. I turn away and look around for Andrew. If he has her, I can't do this alone. To my luck Andrew is already approaching. He wraps his arm around my waist. "It's okay we can just go to the water." Andrew says leaning down and kissing my head." I look up at him with a soft smile. "You know I can't do that." I say softly. "Yeah of course I do. Come one." He sighs. We walk up to Colby and the girl he's with. It feels weird to refer to her as that, but I don't know her name, and I honestly don't care to right now, despite the fact that I'm seconds away from introducing myself. "Hey Colby." I say softly. "Adalyn." He smiles letting go of the girl and pulling me into a hug. I go into shock from his reaction and hug him back. It felt so right being in his arms and I didn't want to let go. Never the less I did, knowing Andrew, my boyfriend whose not Colby, was standing right there probably in more shock than me. I pull away and return back in Andrew's arms. Andrew the man who I'm with and the man who I belong with. I say convincing myself. "Oh sorry." He says in almost a broken voice. "It's okay." I smile. "It was just a hug." I say knowing that's a lie. That hug felt like my other half had been re-united. Like the piece I didn't know I was missing in me heart that has been missing for the past month has returned. Yet I can't have it anymore, because I belong with Andrew. I love Andrew he would never hurt me. Andrew is my new soul mate. I mean my only soul mate. The girl standing next to Colby clears her voice. "Oh this is Molly." Colby says. "Nice to meet you I'm Adalyn." I say putting out my hand. "Nice to meet you." She smiles and shakes it. "This is my boyfriend Andrew." I say as I put my arm back around his back. "Hey man nice to meet you." Andrew says putting his hand out. Colby puts his hand out and shakes it. "Basic name." Colby murmurs, as he pulls his hand back. My temper immediately gets the beat of me. "Excuse me, like Molly isn't the name of a drug." I say. "Yeah, because I like doing her." He glares. "Honestly Colby. I can't believe you after a month your still a dick. But whatever it's not like you know about this morning." I say storming off and pulling Andrew with me. I end up just walking to the shore where no ones at for the moment. I take in a deep breath and calm down. "I'm sorry babe. You were right we should have just skipped that, you don't deserve his shit." I say looking in Andrew's eyes. "No baby it's okay. That's not your fault. I get it. I'm sorry you had to be put in a worse mood. Today is supposed to be good." He says in a soft voice. My heart melts and I pull him closer to me and kiss him. Andrew wraps his arm around my back and it turns into a deep kiss. Colby pips up in my head, but I push him out of my head. After a little while I pull away and look at Andrew. "Guess what?" Andrew asks. "What?" I laugh. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Payback." He laughs before running into the waves. I start kicking. "Oh my god your joking." I laugh and through my bag as far up on land as possible. "Nope." Andrew says before walking deeper into the water. I immediately close my eyes and hold my breath. Then I feel Andrew dunk us both under the water.

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