Distant: Chapter 59

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I can't this time though I can't keep doing this, even if he leaves me I know the truth I know he gets hurt the most out of this. I know he loves me and he's afraid of it. I can't keep this up though. I know from experience someone can only get hurt so much before they break. I know if we get back together we'll both get hurt again. I can't do that to him. I feel a sob come on.  "What's wrong?" Colby asks starting to pull away. I tighten my grip around his back and pull him back to me. "Please just hold me a little longer. I'm not ready to let go." I cry out. He squeezes my and I can feel our bodies pressed against one another. "Never again will I let go." Colby whispers. "But what if we have to?" I whisper back. "Then I'll waite for you with open arms." He says. "I love you." He says with a shaky voice. "I love you." He says pulling away. "I love you too, but you know..." I start, but Colby cuts me off. "Yeah. I know." He whispers. "We can be friends of course." I say broken heartedly. "Yeah" he sighs. I softly kiss Colby on the cheek and get up. "Let's go to the doctor. I don't trust that you'll go in the morning." I say putting my hand out for him to grab. He places his hand in mine and we get up. I we walk out and no one is there. I guess Tara and Jake went back to our house. I send Tara a quick text then Colby and I walk to his car. I grab the keys from his hand and get into the driver seat. Colby doesn't question me just goes to the passengers seat. I pull off. I actually never drove Colby's car before. I've never seen anyone drive it, but him. "Do you know, you the first person besides me to drive my car." Colby says looking at me. "I swear you could read my mind." I laugh. "I really wish." He laughs back. Even after just crying a mess on the floor we can start talking and laughing like nothing. I rest one of hands on my lap as I pull up to a stop light. There's a lot of traffic today, but what do I expect it's L.A. I feel something snapping me out of my thoughts. I look down to see Colby's hand settled on mine. I sigh and look to Colby. "You know this isn't what normal friends do." I say. "I could never just be a normal friend to you." He says back. "I know, but Colby..." I trail off. "Fine, but we're still close friends. And you know if you didn't want to hold my hand you would have pulled it away already. I look down at our hands. I don't even remember grabbing his hand back. I guess it's just a natural thing. I look back up as the street light turns green. "I guess your right, but close friends don't hold hands." I say letting go of his hand and putting it back on the wheel. "Well we do." Colby says putting his hand out for me to grab. I chuckle and can't help to place my hand back in his, where it belongs. "But friends don't feel this way from someone's touch." I whisper to myself. "Huh?" Colby asks. "Nothing. I was just thinking out loud. We're almost there." I say hoping he doesn't question my answer. "Oh okay." Colby says. I let out a small breath of relief, I didn't know I was holding in. I glance over to Colby. He has a soft smile on his face. I smile and look back to the road. I take the exit off the freeway and drive down the street to the hospital. I pull into a the parking lot and find a spot. I turn the ignition off and pull the key out. "Ready?" I ask. "Yeah. Stitches are nothing." He laughs. "Mhm. Tell me that when your crying." I laugh. "I won't even budge." He states in confidence. "We'll see about that." I say as I let go of his hand and get out of the car. We get out and I lock the door. Colby waited for me to come around the car, so we can walk together. Colby laughs lightly and puts his hand out for me to grab. Instead of placing my hand in his. I drop his keys in his hand. "There you go." I laugh.

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