Distant: chapter 73

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"I don't know about this anymore. Is there something your not telling me?" I joke. "Shut up do you want me to take you to the beach or not." Andrew laughs. "Okay, okay." I give in and walk over to him. I jump up on his back and wrap my legs around his waist. He garbs onto them and starts walking. "I can't believe you convinced me into doing this." Andrew states, about a block in. "I know isn't it fun." I laugh. "No I'm fucking tired." Andrew laughs. "Awe it's okay your the best." I say before kissing his cheek. "I know." He replies with a big smile. Finally we make it to the beach. "Wow that took longer than I remember." I say as Andrew sets me down on the sand. "That's because I was carrying a whole person on my back." Andrew laughs. "Hey you agreed to it. You could have easily said no." I laugh in defense and start walking down the sand. "Oh your a liar." Andrew laughs, while following besides me. "What? No I'm not." I say crossing my arms. "Yeah you are. You can't expect me to say no with those big beautiful eyes staring into my soul." Andrew says. "Now your just trying to flatter me." I say uncrossing my arms. "You know damn well that's the only reason I said yes." Andrew laughs. "Wow it wasn't because you love me as a friend and you wanted to male me happy." I say. "Nope." Andrew laughs. "Wow that's cold." I say looking away from him. "I'm just kidding. Of course I want to make you happy and you know I love you." Andrew smiles. I stop walking and look at him and he mimics my motions, looking back at me. "Awe I love you too." I smile. "Then date me." Andrew blurts out. "Oh Andrew. I can't. I'm sorry." I say looking down. I feel my heart break a little rejecting him especially after today. I just think he deserves someones full love and I'm not completely over Colby yet. "It's okay I forgive you." Andrew says. I look back up at him, his eyes look a little hurt, but never the less he has a smile on his face. "Why?" I ask. "What do you mean?" Andrew asks confused. "Why do you forgive me? You just took me on the best date. You've been there for me since the day I met you. You even just carried me on your back for two blocks and I still rejected you. Why do you forgive me? I don't deserve it. I don't deserve you." I say looking down. "Because your not my girlfriend your my best friend and you deserve the world. You deserve to feel the happiness I feel when I'm around you. Even if your not happy with me I just want you to be happy because that's how much you mean to me. And I'll waite however long until I see that happiness in your eyes." Andrew says. I look up at him and feel tears moments away from falling down my face. "I'll go out with you." I whisper. "What?" Andrew asks, as if he couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth. "I'll go out with you." I say wiping the tears from my eyes and smiling. "You know you don't have to out of pity. I would never want or expect that from you." Andrew says. "Shut up. I would never do that. I mean it. You make me happy and at the least you deserve a chance." I say pulling him into a hug. Andrew picks me up and spins me. "Yup the beach is definitely my favorite place." He laughs as he puts me down. "Mine too." I smile, before leaning up. Andrew leans down and places his hands on my hips. Our lips meet making a passionate kiss. It wasn't like when I kissed Colby though. When I kissed Colby it was electric, but this wasn't like that. But it was just as amazing. When I kissed Andrew it was like love and comfort. A place I wanted to be. He was home a committed place I can always come back to and never want to lose. I think I was so afraid of bot loving Andrew because I wasn't over Colby, but I can't get over him if I don't move on. We pull away from one another and I see complete content and happiness in Andrew's eyes. I can also see lust, which was making me feel some type of way in my stomach. But I didn't act on it. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." I say leaning my head into his chest and wrapping my arms around him.

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