Chapter 105: Speak

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     The scene changed back to the room where the three friends stayed. The two boys still trying their best to teach her how to speak again.

"*sighs* .... It has already been two months. Two months ever since we met you and taught you how to speak. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll get it." Fu said as she pat her head.

"Aaaaaagh! Just why the hell are we kept in here and trained to kill?! Just who are the ones we're going to kill?!" Asano exclaimed in frustration as he lopped down his bed.
"It's getting late at night now. We still have to be early tomorrow."

"A.... sa.... no.... Fu..." Kazumi said.

Fu's eyes widened as Asano jolted up from his bed awake and walked to Kazumi.

"Again! Say it again! Our names!" Asano said looking excited.

"A.... sa.... no.... Fu." Kazumi repeated.

"Waaah! Finally! After two months you finally spoke! She finally said our names!" Fu cheered as he lift Kazumi up in the air.

Asano and Fu's reactions are like that of a father and mother finally hearing their child say her first words. But in their case, they're both males and treat each other as brothers.

'You know what Giyu-san? I also once had a friend who looked like you but acts a bit like Kyojuro-san and Nemi-nii.'
Her words popped in Giyu's mind as he watch how they kept on cheering for Kazumi finally talking.

Fu soon carried her on his shoulders as they run out of the room. They soon arrived at Aiko's room opening her door.

"Wha–! Why are you three here?! It's already night!" Aiko asked.

"Aiko-san! Kazumi finally talked! She already said our names!" Asano answered full of joy.

Aiko then looked at Kazumi as she smile at her.

"Ara~ ara~, Kazumi-chan that's very great!" Aiko praised.
"Could say my name too?"

Fu then put her down as she stood beside Aiko's bed.

"Like this Ai.... ko."

"Ai.... ko." Kazumi said.

"I'm soooo happy to finally hear you speak Kazumi-chaaan!" Aiko exclaimed as she hug Kazumi tight.

They were soon interrupted by the babies waking up and crying. Aiko has to put the three of them to sleep again as she gently told the three to go back to their rooms. Asano then grabbed Kazumi as he gave her a piggyback ride back to their room.

"Now! Now! Aiko-san, can you finally tell us the names of your friends?" Asano asked as the scene has now changed again to Aiko's room.

"Alright, since she finally spoke. Let me see.... Tomioka Giyu, that's the name of my friend who looked like you and to add that up, he's just a year older than you." Aiko answered.

"Now you got your answer Mr. Impatient." Fu said.

"Nuh-uh! That's just one. I want to know them all. I'm sure you do too Fu." Asano replied.

"Well.... the other one is Himejima Gyomei-kun, he's the oldest amongst them, he's very tall, and kind. And then Rengoku Kyojuro-kun and Iguro Obanai-kun, they're close to each other since Obanai-kun was saved by Kyojuro-kun's father. Then Kanroji Mitsuri-chan, she's the daughter of a restaurant owner who sells delicious sakura-mochis, I often go there to buy some and visit them, she's really kind and cheerful. Then my little sisters Kocho Kanae-chan and Kocho Shinobu-chan, after Gyomei-kun saved them, I took care of them, despite them being complete opposites at times, the both of them get along very well. Then Shinazugawa Sanemi-kun, he has a very short temper and a foul mouth but inside, he's caring and soft, he also has a younger brother named Genya-kun. Then Uzui Tengen-kun, he's a ninja, he uses kunais and he's also very fast, he always says 'flamboyant' in which is kinda find funny for me. Then last but not the least, the twins Tokito Yuichiro-kun and Muichiro-kun, ever since they lost their parents, I took care of them despite of me not taking them to my home since they wanted to stay at their own place, Yuichiro-kun being the strict older-brother but he's soft inside, Muichiro-kun on the other hand is the kind one a complete opposite of his twin."

"Woaaah! They're so many!" Asano said with his eyes sparkling.

The ones who were watching have genuine smiles on their faces as they listen at how their older-sister figure talk about them to the children. They missed her so much they wanted to hug her.

"To.... To.... mi.... o.... ka.... Gi.... yu." Kazumi said trying to say Giyu's name.

"Go on Kazumi-chan! You can do it!" Aiko cheered.

"Hi.... Hime.... Hime.... ji.... ma.... Gyo.... mei.
Ren.... go.... ku.... Kyo.... ju.... ro.
I.... gu.... ro.... O.... O.... ba.... nai.
Kan.... ro.... ji.... Mi.... tsu.... ri.
Ko.... cho.... Ka.... na.... e.
Shi.... Shi.... no.... bu.
Shi.... na.... zu.... ga.... wa.... Sa.... ne.... mi.
U.... zu.... i.... Te.... ngen.
To.... ki.... to.... Yu.... i.... chi.... ro.
Mu.... i.... chi.... ro."

Althought with difficulty, she managed to say it which gained a slight chuckle from the ones watching it. Fu then looked at the clock and saw the time, it's already 6 am.

"Sorry but it seems like we have go back to our room now. It's already six. After fifteen minutes they'll be taking Kazumi again." Fu said with a saddened look.

     Now that they're back in their room, after a short while of waiting, a man came and called for Kazumi. She stood up from her bed as she was taken by the man leading her to the same cell where she was put in and is always put in for the morning routine. Early morning whips. Despite them who have seen it many times already, they still can't help it. Tears would still fall as their body shiver and look at her with pity.

'Even if I lived in the mountains, I'm going to die with those hitting my body everyday. Compared to this, I only get small scratches and insect bites.'
Inosuke thought as his body kept trembling.

If only they could pee in there, Inosuke already did. But fortunately, they can't.

"After a week, I'll see how much you've trained and to think whether to send you out along with the others for your first kill. If you fail to kill your target, expect me give you a beating." Hibiki said as he walk out again and the other man release her from her chains.

'Kill.... I wonder if that's an easy task or not.'

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