Chapter 107: "Give me one"

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     Everyone of them stood there still and silent as they just saw what Kazumi has done. Hibiki then stood up from his seat and clapped his hands.

"Impressive! Impressive as always! It just shows the progress of all my hardwork!" Hibiki praised as he stopped clapping.

Kazumi ignored him as she just simply walked down the platform and back to Asano and Fu.

"I did know you improved.... but I didn't expect it to be to that level!" Fu exclaimed in a whisper.

"Since you managed to please me today, there will be no electrocution and some injections for you today." He said as he walk towards the door.
"And also, everyone of you who passed, line up and follow me. While the rest are to clean this place." He continued.

They obeyed his words as they all lined up and followed him. They ended up in a different room. Inside has so many clothes and some shoes and sandals of every size for them.

"Hurry up and choose those that fits you. Don't waste my time." Hibiki said.

Everyone of them scattered afraid of what he might do to them if they slow down their movements. The three remained calm as they walk over at a bunch of clothes.

Asano chose a blue colored yukata and black hakama pants as he also grabbed a pair zori sandals. Fu then grabbed a yellow colored yukata and black hakama pants and also a pair zori sandals. Kazumi then grabbed some plain black yukata and black hakama pants, as she also search for zori sandals, she can't find any that fits her size, they're all big for her.

"Here, this will suit you better!" Asano said as he hand her a pair of brown knee high boots.

As she look at it and tried it on, it really did fit her, even if it's just a little bit big, at least not as big as the rest.

They soon got out and went back in their room.

"*sigh*.... You really are small. Even those clothes you got are oversized." Fu said as he look at the clothes Kazumi's holding.

"I'm.... alright. As long as I.... have clothes." Kazumi replied.

"She got a point! It's better than going out wearing ragged ones!" Asano said as he put on his yukata.
"How do I look?" He asked facing them.

"Good." The two answered in unison.

"Fu. Why did you pick up a yellow one? I thought you'll be picking something like dark-green or black like Kazumi's." Asano asked.

"Well.... my favorite tree is gingko. This just reminds me of it." Fu answered as he look at his yellow yukata.

"I see, mine's cherry blossoms! But, I didn't find any other pink there. I did found one but someone already had it." Asano said sitting on his bed.
"How about you Kazumi? What's your favorite tree?"

"I don't know." Kazumi answered.

"Eh?! Awww! That's sad then! But I can compare you to an animal!" Asano put a hand under his chin as he think of one.

"What animal?" Kazumi asked.

"Hmm.... A cat! Or a dog! Those two are really cute! But despite their cuteness, they're really dangerous too." Asano answered.

"He's right. You were like a cat back there, it's as if you just scratched his neck deeply." Fu agreed.

"I see."

Their scene changed again. They're now standing in front of the doors of the so called 'hideout'. Everyone's wearing a hooded black cloak ending just below their ankles. And also, a black choker is around their neck.

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