Chapter 1: Offer

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"Welcome back Master." A woman outside an estate said as she greeted the person in front of her.

"Yes, thank you Ringo-san." A calm, soft voice replied with a smile.

Ringo, thirty-one years old, she has an orange hair tied in a high bun and marigold eyes. She also always have this serious expression on her face but, softens her expression when it comes to her Master.

"We should go inside now, shall we? It's winter and cold here outside." The said Master gave Ringo a closed eyed smile.

"Yes." Ringo answered as the two went inside the estate.
Walking inside, another young woman came to them.

"Welcome back Master." She said with a slight bow. She has a black hair tied in a braid.

"Thank you, how are the children?" The Master replied and asked.

"They're all fast asleep, they wanted to wait for you but I told them they have to sleep already." The same woman answered.

"I see, you and Ringo-san should rest now too. It's quite late in the night already." The Master replied.
They both nodded and went into their own rooms.

The Master continued to walk on in complete silence towards their room.

[The next day....]

Ringo woke up early as usual and saw her Master who just woke up too.

"You're dressed early, are you going to leave again Master?" Ringo asked.

"Yes I am." The Master answered with a smile.

"Please let me make you some breakfast before you leave." Ringo offered as she instantly went to the kitchen to cook food.

After waiting for an hour, Ringo finally came in with a tray of food. She put the tray on the table.

"Here's your breakfast Master. I hope you like it." She said with a smile.

"Thank you." The Master simply replied with a smile too.
" always Ringo-san, it's delicious." The Master continued after taking in a spoonful of food.

"Th...thank you!" Ringo replied with a slight blush on her cheeks.

After eating breakfast, Ringo's Master already left with a bento given by Ringo for the travel.

[At the mountain of Mt. Sagiri...]

A boy with burgundy hair is currently doing his daily exercise. He has started to go on top of the mountain avoiding traps after traps on his way. It has already been more than a month since he has started to do this, he's doing his best to train in order to become a slayer. For he has a very important reason to that....

For him to become a slayer and be able to find a cure for his sister who got turned into a demon.

Kamado Tanjiro, a boy whose family was slaughtered by a certain demon and his sister got turned into one. He was really thankful for the slayer who spared both their lives and instructed him to go to Mt. Sagiri and find Urokodaki Sakonji, the old man who's currently training him now. But ever since they arrived at Urokodaki's place, his sister hasn't woken up since that day. Despite being worried at his sister, he still kept on training everyday and has started to write a journal for her to read if ever she wakes up.


Urokodaki heard the crow's sound and went outside to see. The crow landed on his arm and Urokodaki got the letter from it.
As he read the letter, he sighed.

"Well.... I haven't seen that kid for more than a month too." Urokodaki said as he folds the paper and went back inside.

"Urokodaki-san, is that a letter?" Tanjiro asked.

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