Chapter 23: New Comer

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Haruna slowly opened her eyes. She looked around to see that she's inside a room. Her dirty clothes has been changed into clean ones, she's now wearing a white yukata with a pink undergarment and a dark-pink hakama pants. She stood up and walked out of the room.

"Kazumi-kun?" Haruna peeked her head out of the door before coming out.
"Kazumi-kun?" She called again.

As she walk on the empty corridor, she saw Kazumi with another boy slightly taller than 'him'.

"I'm glad you're already awake Haruna-chan." Kazumi said stopping in front of her, clothes already changed from her uniform to a navy blue yukata and black hakama pants.

"Yes.... um..." Haruna looked at the boy with a red-orange hair and blue eyes wearing a yellow-green yukata with green stripes and blue hakama pants.

"I'm Kano, nii-sama already told me about you. Nice to meet you Haruna!" Kano cheerfully introduced his self.

"Nice to meet you too Kano-kun. I didn't know you have a younger brother Kazumi-kun."

"Well yes, how are you feeling now?"

When Haruna's about to answer, her stomach growled. She sweatdropped and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Come with us. We're just about to call you for breakfast." Kazumi said.

Haruna walked beside her while Kano followed them from behind. Haruna looked at Kazumi and moved her sight to Kazumi's untied hair. The longest reaching below her shoulders and the shortest reaching above her shoulders.

"You look like a girl with your hair down Kazumi-kun." She said still looking at her companion.

"Is that so?" Kazumi stopped on her tracks followed by the two.
"Let's just go have some breakfast but, thank you for that."

'Nii-sama, at least tell her that you're a girl!'
Kano mentally exclaimed keeping his mouth shut.

The three soon arrived at the dining room where the others are. The children was about to call her when they saw Kazumi wink at them. The children just giggled and nodded.

"I'm glad the three of you already arrived." Mei said smiling at them.

Haruna's surprised seeing the people inside sitting around the table. She saw them smiling at her.

"G-Good morning everyone." Haruna bowed slightly while giving them a nervous smile.

"Good morning too Haruna-san!" The children greeted in unison.

"Good morning too Haruna-chan." Nahori and Kiori greeted.

The women greeted her too before Kazumi invited her to sit down beside her.

"This is my surprise I told you. You were deeply asleep when we arrived here so, Ringo-san and Mei-san took care of your clothes and cleaned you."

"I'm Ringo." The woman with an orange hair and marigold eyes wearing the same white yukata as hers but with an indigo-gray undergarment and red hakama pants said.

"And I'm Mei." The other woman with a black hair and blue eyes wearing a pink kimono and a cream colored obi said.

"T-Thank you."

"Don't thank us, thank Master." Ringo pointed her hand to Kazumi.
"If Master didn't found you and took you here, you might've gotten more injuries than you already have."

Haruna was taken aback by Ringo's words and looked at Kazumi.

"M-Master?!" Haruna's cheeks slowly turned red from embarrassment.

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