Chapter 123: Promise

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     Their scene changed again as they are now inside the estate given to Kazumi. She's now inside a room as Ringo slowly sat up from her bed.

"Glad you're awake now." Kazumi said as she smile at her.

Kazumi's now wearing a violet yukata and a dark-green colored hakama pants. Her wavy, ash-gray hair is now lose on her back as she didn't tie it. She's smiling as if nothing just happened last night.

"Sorry, if it weren't for me taking you there you wouldn't have lost your arm." Kazumi said as she turn her back from her and face the tray of medicines on the table.

"Please don't say that! It is because of me being weak and incapable of fighting properly! Please.... don't blame yourself." Ringo replied as she show a worried expression.

Kazumi then turned around and smiled at her. She then stood up from the chair as she caress Ringo's cheeks.

"Rest some more. I have to go somewhere for a while." Kazumi said as Ringo just gave her a slight nod.

Kazumi then walked out of the room then to the entrance where Mei approached her.

"Are you going somewhere Kazumi-sama?" Mei asked.

"Yes. I have to go visit someone for a while. Please tell the children I'll be back if ever they woke up without me." Kazumi answered with a smile.

Mei nodded as Kazumi got out and walked away from the estate. Their scene changed again as they are now inside the Ubuyashiki Estate.

"Kazumi-sama." Kagaya called as he look at her back facing him as she sat outside on the veranda.

"Insect Pillar, Mayonaka Aiko has been killed by me. She died last night." Kazumi said with her usual gentle and calm voice, similar to Kagaya.

He tensed up a bit before relaxing again as he sips his tea. Amane also looked surprised as she kept staring at Kazumi's back.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have done that without a reason. Either you have to or.... she protected you." Kagaya replied as he put his tea down.

".... You know.... you're really good at guessing."

"I know what kind of a person Aiko is. She's someone who's willing to give her own life to protect others without any second thoughts.... Just like you." Kagaya answered.

"Tell me.... how can you say something like that about me?" Kazumi asked as she looked at him over her shoulder.

".... You get punished for protecting the slayers both from the assassins and the demons yet you didn't stop.... I also read from Aiko's letter that you got yourself wounded leaving a scar on your forehead after using yourself to cover a certain slayer." Kagaya answered as he look at her.

Obanai then looked down then he looked away. Feeling ashamed like the others.

She then sighed as she looked back in front of her. She looked up the bright blue sky as if it never rained last night.

"Say.... are those two your daughters?" Kazumi asked as she looked at her right side to see two heads peeking.

Kagaya just chuckled as he call for them. The two girls came. They both have the same white hair as their mother and plum colored eyes. One wearing a red ribbon to the right side of her head while the other one's wearing a yellow ribbon on the left side of her head.

"They are my older twin daughters, Hinaki and Nichika." Kagaya said as the two bowed down slightly beside her.

"No need to do that Hinaki-chan and Nichika-chan. Nice to meet you two." Kazumi said as she smile at them.

'They look like they're older than me or just the same age as me.'

Her smile so gentle and warm despite her eyes being dark and lifeless. This made the two girls blush slightly.

"Nice to meet you too Kazumi-sama." They said in unison.

"Kagaya-san, why are you and your family so formal to me?" Kazumi asked as she look at him.

"As I've said before, you've earned my respect for everything you've done and endured for the slayers. And also.... don't you notice one thing?" Kagaya answered as him and Amane look at her.

"What is it?"

"You're like a parent yourself. Your gentle and calm tone could make everyone you talk to feel the same way they feel towards me. Even me I should say. I feel calm and light headed."

"Well, maybe I'll change it then once I've become an official member of the corps."

"What.... did you just say Kazumi-sama?" Amane asked wide eyed.

"Me and Aiko-san once had a deal. She kept on insisting back then for me to escape and take the final selection to be a slayer. But I don't want to, not until we agreed on a certain age." Kazumi explained fully turning her body to look at them fully.
"You'll see that soon."

"But if Kazumi-sama joined the corps as a slayer, wouldn't that make you look like on the same level as them?"

"That's what I like. I'm not used to such high praises, Amane-san, for I don't deserve any. Besides.... if I do become a Pillar by that time, I wouldn't even tell it to the other non-Pillar slayers. I like keeping myself low." Kazumi answered as she look at the twins then to the couple.
"Let things about me be kept hidden."

"If that's what you wish, we will." Kagaya replied.

"Such a humble child. How unlucky we are to not see that." Gyomei said as tears pour down his eyes and face still his hands in a praying position.

"Her voice really is calming and soothing, yet we.... still neglected her." Obanai said clenching his fists.

"I should go now. I still have to visit another one." Kazumi said as she stood up.

The Ubuyashikis bid her farewell before she vanished again from her spot. Their scene changed again, Kazumi's now carrying a porcelain, plain white vase back to her estate. Upon entering, she went to a room which they suppose to be a small altar. She placed the vase on the small stand and beside it are Asano's broken sword placed in his scabbard at the right and also Fu's sword placed in his scabbard at the left. She then knelt down facing those things as she smile.

"I do hope you guys are enjoying your time now there in paradise. Thank you for helping me and guiding me, sorry for not being able to protect any of you." Kazumi said as she bow down her head touching the floor and raise it up shortly.

The slayers stood there too looking at her.

"Aiko-san, I promise to raise your children well and take care of them. And.... I will also watch over your friends and sisters like what you've told me to do.... even if it costs my life."

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