Chapter 7: A Joint Mission

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      Kazumi's crow came as she watches Ringo give Kano some warm up exercises.

"CAAAW!!! KAZUMI-SAMA, GO TO OSAKA YOU HAVE A JOINT MISSION WITH A PILLAR CAAAW! HURRY!!!" The crow announced before landing on her raised arm.

"I have to leave now, I hope for the both of you to keep it up. Especially you Kano-kun." She said as she walk towards them and give Kano a head pat.

"Yes, goodluck to your mission nii-sama." Kano replied with a slight blush.

"Goodluck Master." Ringo said.

"Thank you."

Kazumi got herself ready as she start to run her way to Osaka. She was given by the triplets some rice balls to eat on her way.

'I wonder who this Pillar might be.'
Kazumi thought having no idea about the Pillar she's about to join in this mission.

"Take, do you have any idea who this Pillar might be?" She asked the owl flying beside her as she run.

"I don't have any idea Master."

"I see, thanks."


[At Osaka....]

     It's already dark when Kazumi arrived at the city, she saw many people walking around and several lanterns outside, every building and houses are lighted up. She walked around to look for the said Pillar.

"Excuse me, are you perhaps the Pillar I'm going to team up with?" Kazumi asked behind a man with a mismatched haori and a low ponytail.

The man turned around to look at her, his dull blue eyes looked down at her.

"Yes, and I do believe you remember my name." The Pillar said.

"Yes of course, you're Tomioka Giyu-san, the Water Pillar. It's very nice to be able to team up with you."

'She's always smiling just like that insect.'
Giyu thought to himself as he turned around and started to walk.

"There's a report that a demon's been roaming around here lately and had killed several civilians walking around." Giyu explained to Kazumi following him behind.

"I see, is this demon one of the Twelve Kizukis?"

"I don't know, Oyakata-sama and my crow didn't tell me if that demon's a part of the Twelve Kizukis but, maybe since they sent another Pillar to join me."

'What a very depressing sound he makes. It's really sad that a man like him keeps on distancing himself from the others.'
Kazumi thought as she listen at the sound she gets from Giyu.
'Even his aura is lifeless.'

They decided to split up in order to look for the demon and investigate some of the areas of the city. They roamed around and asked several people. Kazumi asked a lady.

"Excuse me ma'am." Kazumi said as the lady stopped and looked at her.

"Is there something I could help you with?"

"Yes I just wanna ask. Do you perhaps have any idea about the missing people here in the city?"

"Well.... I just heard some rumors about it."

"Could you please tell me about it then."

Kazumi and the lady talked for a while, the lady told her everything she heard.

"Thank you ma'am."


Kazumi left and went the other way to continue investigating. Until....

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