Chapter 33: Ogimachi Village

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Credits to google for the header picture😅😅😅

It's already morning by the time the three of them reached the village. It's really beautiful with a lot of thatched roof buildings and farm houses. They could also see their beautiful ricefields and the farmers walking around and working at the field. Since it's morning, there are a lot of people roaming around them.

"Waaah! This place is beautiful!" Haruna praised as they kept on walking.

"You sound like it's your first time seeing a ricefield." Kano replied which gained him a pinch on the arm from Haruna.

"I'm just admiring the view!"

With those words said, Kano and Haruna kept on retorting at each other behind Kazumi as they walk. Kazumi stayed silent as she listen to them, they're really childish at times.

"Stop it you two, there are a lot of people looking at us already." Kazumi calmly said smiling at them.

They instantly obeyed her words and stopped. They all decided to find a place to rest first before they began their mission again.

"The both of you should rest here for a while. I'll gather some informations outside." Kazumi said opening the doors of their room.

"Eh?! Nii-sama, aren't you gonna rest with us?" Haruna asked.

"You two fought last night and I just waited so, I'm not tired at all."

"Then it's alright to sleep right?" Kano asked.

"Of course!" Kazumi answered.

The two entered the room to rest while Kazumi left to do her thing. Before leaving, she left her sword with the two for her to move easily without the people looking at her with confused questioning gazes.

"Thank you for that sir!"

She thanked the man whom she asked about the happenings in their village in which, he managed to answer some. She continued to walk again to gather more. She kept on doing this until she came back at the inn by sunset. Entering the room, she saw Kano and Haruna napping peacefully.

'If only this could last longer.'
She thought as she sat down looking at them with her usual gentle smile.

The two slowly opened their eyes. Kano sat up rubbing his eyes before yawning and looking to his side.

"Nii-sama, you're back!"

"I'm already finished with my info gathering."

"Then why didn't you wake us up?!" Haruna pouted.

"I'm sorry, you two look so cute while napping so I didn't bother." Kazumi replied patting her head.

Kazumi's action just made Haruna blush and turn her back from Kazumi. Kano just chuckled at her while Kazumi continued to pat her head. That night, they got theirselves ready to see and face the demon. They decided to separate in order to find the demon faster.

"Kano-kun, go to the eastern part of the village. Haruna-chan, go to the southern part of the village. I'll handle the rest." She instructed to the two.

They quickly nodded their head and ran to their assigned positions. Kazumi could already tell this night might not be a very good one.

As Kano and Haruna do their assigned task, Kano felt an uneasy feeling. He could feel something's off, he looked at the forest outside the village while standing on top of a farm house. He gripped the hilt of his sword tightly before going to the forest's direction.

"Nii-sama, I'm finished at the southern part." Haruna reported back.

"CAAAW! MASTER! KANO WENT TO THE FOREST, CAAAW!!!" Taro announced flying in circles above.

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