Chapter 66: Bad News

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The news of Kano and Haruna's death reached the ears of the Pillars. They were surprised at first but instantly looked like they don't seem to be bothered by it.

"Tch! She's useless, she'll take in children yet she can't even save one of them." Sanemi mumbled to himself as he continue on his training.

"Ah, such poor souls.... I pray for those two to rest in peace. Namu Amida Butsu." Gyomei prayed as tears stream down his cheeks from his eyes and his hands clasped together in a praying position as he sat outside his estate.

"Oh my.... they're already dead...." Mitsuri sadly exclaimed while sitting outside a restaurant with Obanai.

"Guess that's what they call bad karma. Now that traitor lost someone close to her." Obanai replied, his every word full of venom which left Mitsuri speechless.

"I see...." Kyojuro mumbled as he sat on the veranda resting after his training.

Despite the news they got, none of them even cared to go to her place. None of them decided nor tried to send her at least a letter of comfort. They all completely gave her the cold shoulder and ignored her.

"Master...." Ringo called as she saw Kazumi staring up the night sky.

"Ara~, Good evening Ringo-san! Is there something I could help you with?" Kazumi greeted as she look and smile at Ringo.

".... I should be the one asking you that." Ringo replied as she sat beside her.
"The Pillars have known it right?"

"Yes. But don't worry, I'm not expecting them to care at all." Kazumi answered.

Despite what just happened, she still has her smile and calm tone. Ringo could still remember when she saw Kazumi come back from the mission.


Early in the morning, Ringo's already expecting the three to come back. As she finish her sweeping, she noticed Kazumi walking towards her instead of surprising her like usual. When she's about to walk closer to her to ask a question, it was instantly answered. As Kazumi walk closer, Ringo saw the clothes she's clasping on her chest. She dropped the broom in an instant and hugged her.

".... Ringo-san...." Kazumi muttered out.

"I know.... I know...." Ringo replied fighting back the tears threatening to fall.

Soon, Kazumi fell unconscious on her arms as she carry her back inside.

"I see, Kano-kun and Haruna-chan.... already left." Mei said in a sad tone after they all heard the news from Take, Taro, and Ringo.

The children cried and so did Nahori and Kiori. None of them expected it to be this fast.

Kazumi shortly showed up in the living room. She's looking down not even looking at any of them in the eye. She soon knelt down and bowed her head touching the tatami mat.

"I'm sorry for not being able to save them.... I'm sorry for being an incapable mentor unable to save my own students.... I'm sorry for being such a useless sibling who let them die." Kazumi apologized.

Her words layered with sadness and sincerity. They all rushed towards her to lift her up and hug her.

During the funeral, Ringo saw everyone cried, even herself, except for a certain someone. Kazumi.

None of them didn't dare question why. That despite what happened, why is she not crying instead, she's smiling. Until Mitsuki asked her.

"Why is nii-sama smiling?" He asked looking sadly at her.

"Please don't misunderstand.... Haruna-chan and Kano-kun are such strong slayers who have been through a lot before even meeting me. I'm smiling because finally.... they're at a peaceful place together with their loved ones. Out from even more suffering this world could give them." Kazumi answered patting Mitsuki's head.

They all understood her words as they all gave a slight nod.

Flashback Ends《《《《

"I see. So they've totally hated you and gave you the cold shoulder." Ringo said looking up the night sky too.

"Just let them be, I don't wanna force myself to get close to them if they don't want to. Well.... I tried giving them an explanation but as I've said and as you know, they ignored me and pushed me away." Kazumi replied keeping her eyes up.

"After all these years, even by the death of Kano-kun and Haruna-chan, we never saw you display any sadness or anger at all."

".... Hmm.... you know Ringo-san, a single smile can fool countless people. There's no need for you to worry about me, I'm fine!"

".... Are you.... going to use any of their belongings?"

"No, let their things be kept. I don't wanna worsen the damage those stuffs already received." Kazumi answered with a slight chuckle.
"Go to sleep now Ringo-san, I'm sure you're exhausted." She continued giving Ringo a closed eye smile.

"Goodnight Master." Ringo simply replied before standing up and going to her respective room.

Kazumi soon stood up too and went inside her own room. She gave out a long sigh before retreating to her futon.

[The Next Day....]

Kagaya and Kazumi were the only ones sitting inside their usual meeting room. He signaled his hand for her to come closer in which she obeyed. She sat right in front of him as Kagaya reach out his hand. Kazumi understood this and put his hand on her head.

"I already received the news yesterday. I'm sorry for your loss Kazumi-chan." Kagaya said as he gently pat her head.

"Please don't be. It was my fault for arriving late." Kazumi replied her smile and calm tone not faltering.

"Don't blame yourself my child. They died protecting the people and the village, you trained them though, they only had a very short time."

"I guess. But I'm happy they are finally at peace now."

"How about you and the Pillars?" Kagaya asked pulling his hand back.

"Still the same, but don't worry, it's not as if we're all having a death match." Kazumi answered in a joking manner which gained her a chuckle from Kagaya.

"Do you need me to tell them to listen to you?"

"No need. I don't want them to think that I'm using you, Oyakata-sama. If they don't want to listen, then it's a no."

"What an unexpected answer I get from you.... Goodluck on your mission today."

"I will. Thank you for having me Oyakata-sama." Kazumi replied bowing her head before leaving the room from the veranda.

Kagaya's left there sitting alone as his two older twin daughters came and assisted him to sit on the veranda. The crow with a purple ribbon around its neck sat on his lap as he caress it gently.

"Aiko-san, Kazumi-chan is even more mature than I thought."

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