Chapter 27: Remember

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'Kazumi-chan, please take care of them okay?'


'Don't worry, I'm sure they'll understand.'


'You're really kind. I'm really thankful I met such a child like you.'

     Kazumi slowly opened her eyes and sat up from her futon. She looked to her right side and saw Kyojuro and Sanemi fast asleep. She dreamt of something that made her wake up though, she doesn't look bothered. Instead, she silently walked out of the room to the veranda with a blank expression. She sat there while smiling at the moon.

"Ara~, seems like tonight's moon is a crescent one."

Her owl, Take, landed and sat beside her. He looked at his Master before looking to the moon too.

"You're still awake Master." Take said breaking the silence.

"Yes, I can't sleep so I came out to look at the moon."

"Are those two noisy while sleeping?"

"No, not at all. I just can't sleep. Besides, aren't you suppose to be resting too Take?"

"I saw you come out so I decided to join you."

Kazumi just glanced at him and gently caressed his head. As she do it, Taro landed on her lap.

"Me too! Me too!" Taro said flapping his wings.

Kazumi gave out a slight chuckle before caressing his head with her free hand. The two enjoyed their Master's touch on how gentle and soft her hands are.

"You two really liked it huh."

The birds just nodded their heads. After that, Kazumi walked back in and readied herself. Careful not to wake the two up.

[The Next Day....]

     "Shinazugawa, have you seen Kazumi?" Kyojuro asked as he saw Sanemi enter the room.

"The owner said she already left last night. She also paid for the foods we all ate last night." Sanemi answered.

"Such a hardworking child! Though.... she left us behind without any notice."

"She didn't left us behind, it's just normal for a slayer to leave without any notice, dammit."


After the two finished their breakfast, they soon bid farewell to the owner of the inn before going their separate ways for their mission.

"Are you sure you can take on missions now?" Kyojuro asked looking concerned.

"Of course I do! What do you think of me?! A weakling?!"

"No! I'm just concerned. But the way you talk and act, yes, you're really fine!"


     Take is seen flying along with Taro as they follow Kazumi.

"Master, are you really sure it's alright to leave like that?" Take asked.

"Yes don't worry, I'm sure they'll understand why I left earlier and without any notice." Kazumi answered not even giving Take a slight glance.

She's now running towards a nearby village rumored to have a demon. According to rumors, it has almost been a month since the people in that village would go missing. Just before the sun sets, Kazumi arrived at the village. She looked at Take, he gave her a nod before flying to the different direction, she did the same to Taro and he flew to the opposite direction. She walked around the village to investigate and wait for the two to come back.

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