Chapter 16: Training

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[At the Frost Estate....]

     As Kano perform his sword swings, Ringo kept on watching him. Ringo's standing under a shaded tree with her arms crossed keeping an eye to Kano.

"One thousand!!!" Kano shouted as he swung down his wooden sword the last time.

"Swing five hundred more!" Ringo ordered.

Kano stiffened upon hearing this and slowly turned to Ringo.


"Do it!!!"

"YES MA'AM!!!"

Kano continued his sword swings. A kakushi suddenly walked towards her.

"Excuse me, Ringo-san." The kakushi said standing beside Ringo.

"Satoshi, what is it?" Ringo asked turning to the kakushi.

"Well.... someone's outside, he said he's a Pillar and that he would like to see Kazumi-cha— I mean, Kazumi-sama." Satoshi answered.

"Did you tell him that the Master's not here?"

"We did but, he said he would like to talk to someone who directly serves Kazumi-sama. I went to call Mei-san but she told me that it's best to call you instead."

Ringo slowly stood up to meet the said Pillar. She's walking behind the kakushi as they arrive at the first living room if you're from the entrance of the estate but second if you're from the back or the garden. As they arrive closer, Ringo saw the so called Pillar. He has a raven colored hair, white with black stripes haori over his demon slayer uniform, and a white snake around his neck. Ringo went in front of him and sat down.

"I'm Ringo, one of the servants here at the Frost Estate." She introduced herself.

"I'm Iguro Obanai, the Serpent Pillar." Obanai introduced his self.

Iguro Obanai, the Serpent Pillar, the lower part of his face is covered with bandages and his eyes are heterochromatic just like Kazumi's. He always have with him his friend snake, Kaburamaru.

"May I ask, what's the matter you're here Serpent Pillar?" Ringo asked.

"Well.... I planned on paying Azakura-san a visit but, the kakushis told me that she's not here. And so I asked for someone who's close to her serving here in the estate."


"Here." Obanai answered pulling out a small box from his haori and putting it on the table in front of them.
"Kanroji-san told me that Azakura-san gave her a cat as a gift. So I decided to come here to at least give her a small gift too. Well not only that, I also have another reason. That's all."

"I'll make sure to give this to Kazumi-sama right away once she comes back from her mission." Ringo picked up the small box from the table and carefully held it with both her hands.

"Thank you, I'll go now." Obanai slowly stood up from his sitting psition.

Ringo accompanied Obanai out of the estate. As he vanish after getting out of the estate, Ringo looked at the box she's holding. She then slowly smiled.

'Kazumi-sama, I'm glad to see you having friends.'
Ringo thought before getting in and back to the garden.

     As Kano finished his sword swings, he noticed that Ringo's not watching him anymore. He looked around until Ringo came back and he noticed that she's holding something. He ran towards her and looked at it.

"Ringo-san, what's that?" Kano asked pointing at the small box Ringo's holding.

"A gift for Kazumi-sama from a visitor." Ringo answered.

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