Chapter 3: The Lower Kizuki

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Just after ten minutes of running, she arrived at the said village. As she was just about to enter, a mother carrying a child run to her. Fear can be seen on their faces filled with dust and the mother filled with small scratches.

"Please..... please help us.... that monster's going to kill everyone of us!" The mother pleaded while carrying her child in front of Kazumi.

"Please go hide, I'll handle this." Kazumi calmly replied with a smile helping the woman to get up and hide.


Kazumi heard a loud laugh and followed it. As she get closer, she saw an explosion and many more villagers are seen running past her.

At a distance, a certain figure can be seen laughing while devouring a man, and beside the man is a child shivering from fear. The demon look at the child with a very wide smile.

"YOUR FATHER'S DEAD AND YOU'RE NEXT YOUNG BOY! HAHAHA!" The demon yelled as it dashed towards the boy to reach him.


The demon's arm was suddenly cut and before he knew it, the said boy he's about to devour has disappeared in front of him.

"Please stay here boy, I'm sorry for your loss." The person carrying him calmly said. The person gently put the boy down behind a huge fallen concrete.

"Th-that monster.... he.... killed my father." The boy said as tears burst out of his eyes and started crying.

"Don't worry, I'll make him pay for what he did." Replied the person in front of him and gently patted his head before facing the demon.

"You..." The demon growled.
"How dare you interfere to my business.... demon slayer." The demon glared at her.

"Then I must say, how dare you devour and kill so many innocent people lower kizuki." Kazumi replied.

'This slayer, how can he be so calm at a situation like this and he's even..... SMILING?!'
The demon thought seeing Kazumi's expression.

The demon dashed towards her with his claws ready to cut her, she jumped away looking at the demon.

"You'll be the same as them, the same as those slayers who had chased after me before, I'LL DEVOUR YOU JUST LIKE THEM!" The demon said shouting the last part to her.

Kazumi planned to use herself as a bait to drive the demon out of the village before fighting it. Her plan succeeded, the two of them are already inside the forest outside the village. Kazumi suddenly halted and unsheathed her sword to cut the demon coming towards her. The demon avoided the sword by jumping upwards.

"You finally decided to use your sword little boy."

"Yes, but I'm kind of curious about your blood demon art. So I'll play with you."

"Sure, I'll let you witness how strong I am before I kill you!"

They started to fight, the demon dashed towards her using his claws and feet to attack but all she does is dodging them. This method continued for what seemed like thirty minutes, it's either Kazumi would jump up, step aside, or flip backwards.


"Well, you're just frustrated cause you can't land a hit on me." Kazumi replied smiling at the demon.

The demon put both his hands down on the ground.

'Finally, something interesting.'

".... MUD GOLEMS!" Right after those words, the land cracked and turned into ten golems about Kazumi's size and charged towards her.

She used her sword to slice them but it got stuck instead, she pulled it back and jumped away.

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