Chapter 6: Kano's decison

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"YOU GOD DAMN PIECE OF SHIT!!!" A man shouted as he slap Kano that made him fall on the ground.

Kano was crying as he slowly get up, he's full of wounds and bruises around his body, his clothes are thin and torn apart. It's winter and he could feel the cold down to his bones.

"HURRY UP AND START WALKING!!!" The man shouted again as he takes out a whip from his clothes. As he was about to whip the boy, another person appeared in front of him and caught the whip.

"Who the hell are you?!" The man asked.

Kano looked at the person behind him. The person's wearing black pants, and a black haori with red smoke edges.

"I'm sorry but, you've gone too far mister. Can you see how beaten his body is?"

Kano slowly stood up to see clearly who's in front of him, the person has a short ash-gray hair with black tips tied in a high ponytail.

"Tch! So what?! He's my slave! I can do anything I wanted to him. He's the payment I got from his parents." The man answered with a smirk on his face.

"I just heard you say you took him by force besides, even if he's your slave he's still a child for you to beat up like that." The person said still not letting go of the whip.

"Hey kid, if you think you can scare me with that fake sword of yours just go away if you don't wanna get hurt. I'm not interested on selling that boy to you." The man pointed his finger on the person in front of him.

Kano kept himself quite listening to the two talking to each other. Unlike him, the person who just saved him wasn't even fazed nor scared.

"I know but, I also don't want to turn a blind eye from him. Besides, I don't have to pay you to get him away from you." The person said as they let go of the whip and kicked the man's gut.

When Kano saw this, he just felt himself being lifted up and carried away from the man who slapped him. As the person carrying him run fast, he heard him talk.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." Kano just looked at the person carrying him, he can't help but stare.

"COME BACK HERE!!!" The man shouted as he watch the two get further away from him.

They stopped at a restaurant near the entrance of the village. The waiter came to give them a menu to choose from. The person gave the menu back as he finished ordering.

"I'm Kazumi, I apologize if I haven't introduced myself earlier." Kazumi said smiling at him.

"I-I'm K-Kano, n-nice to meet you K-Kazumi-san." Kano replied stuttering at his own words.

"Nice to meet you too Kano-kun. Can I ask?"

"What is it?"

"How long has it been ever since you became his servant?"

"A-almost three weeks I guess." Kano answered lowering his head.

"Did your parents really gave you to him as payment?"

"Y-yes and also no. You see, it's only my mother who doesn't want to give me up to him b-but, m-my father is the one who willingly gave me as a payment."

"How sad, do you have any siblings then?"

"Y-yes I do, I have an older-brother. But he hates me too just like father."

Right after he finished his words, the servant came back with trays of food. As he put all the foods down the table, Kano's eyes sparkled looking at the delicious foods in front of him.

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