Chapter 98: See Through World

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     Their scene has now changed again but they're still inside the house. They watch as Miyuki cleaned Kazumi's dirty face with a clean towel and fix her messy hair.

"Those children, just when are they going stop?" Miyuki asked herself with a frown.

"Don't worry mother, I'm fine." Kazumi said with a bright smile.

"How am I not suppose to worry when my Mi-chan is always bullied?"

"At least they only threw some dirt on me and pulled my hair this time, unlike before."

".... Mi-chan, even though they didn't make your head bleed this time, they still hurt you. There's no difference. I'll go down the mountain to tomorrow—"

"There's no need mother! I'm fine! And also, if ever they're around again, I'll just run away and escape from them as fast as I can."

"*sigh*.... Alright."

"Bleed? We didn't saw it." Giyu said.

"In here, we will be skipping some parts of her memories and just show you guys what seemed like to be necessary ones." Fuji explained.
"But as we go further, I'm afraid that we have to skip more."

"Why?" Muichiro asked.

"There are things that are better left unsaid." Fuji answered.

'But since I wanna torture you guys mentally, then I'll show you the worst parts.'
Fuji thought as she looked at the other side with an evil smirk.

"Fujikase." Kai called.
"Care to share what you're smirking about?" He added with a dark aura surrounding him.

"You know it." Fuji replied sweatdropping.

'Oh please, when is she going to change?'
Kai thought as he sighed and crossed his arms.

"It seems like.... Fuji-san has something up for us." Tanjiro muttered out as he sweatdrop.

"Well yes I do. But that's for later. Enjoy the show when you still have time." Fuji replied.

The scene changed yet again. Now they're at the Minamoto Estate again as they watch Ayato drag Kazumi to his training place, at the garden.

"Come on, you don't have to drag me there all the time." Kazumi said.

"No can do. Let's hurry up!" Ayato replied.

As they reached the garden, they saw Ayato's mentor already starting to train Sunako and Arata.

"Sensei!" Ayato called.

"Young master." The man said.

He's a man in his mid-thirties. His hair tied in a top knot and his thick unshave beard makes him look older than he already is. He's wearing a white yukata and black hakama pants just like the rest of his students.

"You always looked so interested whenever you watch us train so...." Ayato said looking at Kazumi.
".... I wanted sensei to teach you some moves!" He continued as he look up to the man.

"I see, so this is the friend of yours that you mentioned." The man said as he look at Kazumi in the eyes.
"Young lady, would you like to give it a try then?"

"Really?" Kazumi asked looking at him then to Ayato.

"Go for it, Kazumi-chan!" Arata cheered.

Kazumi then gave a nod as she put her basket aside on the veranda. She walked towards the mentor as he gave her a wooden sword, since she's small, the wooden sword seemed longer.

"Can you hold it?"


After that, the man gave her the steps on how to hold the sword properly, do a stance then attack.

"I'll swing mine first, you just have to deflect them."

Kazumi gave him a nod. He stepped back and swung his sword towards Kazumi in a slow pace and putting just a little force. Before it gradually become a bit faster and stronger. Kazumi managed to deflect them all.

"Good. Now this time it'll be faster."

The man then really swung his wooden sword faster and with more impact as Kazumi deflected them all. He made it faster yet she didn't get hit.

"Now then, I'll be using the same speed and force I use towards them in training." The man said as he point his right index finger at the four boys watching.
"You have to deflect them all."

Kazumi just gave a nod again as the man walked back to his position. She held her wooden sword tightly. The man then rushed to her as he held his wooden sword up and sent it down to her, she deflected it again. He kept on swinging his sword and attacking her whilst Kazumi remained unscathed.

"Amazing! I often get hit whenever sensei does that!" Arata commented as all four of them watch.

"She'll be a great fighter in the future!" Jiro said as his eyes glimmer with excitement as he watch.

After that, the man stopped attacking and smiled.

"Great! Now that you've deflected them all it's your turn. Try to attack me this time." The man said in a joyful tone.

".... Are you sure?" Kazumi asked a bit hesitant to do so.

"Yeah! But of course, I'll try to deflect it in order to protect myself."

As those words slip, Kazumi put on a stance as she dashed towards him. As the man swung his sword down, Kazumi stepped aside and hit his right thigh before twisting herself and turning around sending a stab attack on his abdomen strengthened by the force of her spin. The man again swung his sword to the side which Kazumi managed to dodge by jumping up and hitting his right shoulder. All four of the boys were shocked seeing this as their mentor fell on his knees then to the ground unconscious.

"Waaaah! That's amazing!" Tanjiro praised.

When Kazumi saw this, she let go of the wooden sword instantly.

"I'm sorry!" She apologized to the unconscious man before running to the veranda to get her basket.
"I'm sorry!" She apologized again to the four before running away.

The four were so speechless after witnessing the outcome of the fight. They were so shocked they stood still on their spots staring at their unconscious teacher.

'I shouldn't have done that. Now I'm in trouble!'
Kazumi thought as she ran out of the estate and to the town.

Their scene changed again and showed Ayato and Kazumi talking at the same place where Kazumi found him the first time they met.

"Please! Please! Please! Tell me how you did it." Ayato pleaded.

He's been trying to ask Kazumi the same question for three days straight already after the training.

"It's been three days Ayato-kun." Kazumi replied.

"Please! I really wanna know! None of us could even land a hit on him yet you did. They said the parts where you hit him turned into blue and purple bumps."

"I.... don't know if you'll believe me."

Ayato looked at her confused.

"I saw through him.... his body turned like a glass ever since the start of the training.... I saw his muscle movements and his blood circulation. I managed to predict his movements." Kazumi answered keeping her head down and eyes on the ground.

Ayato just got even more confused and stunned at the same time.

"Glass? Kazumi-chan please answer me seriously."

"I did and that's the truth."

Even them who heard this were speechless.

"Father.... you know that right?" Kyojuro asked as he look at his father.

"Yes. That's like a gift someone receives after years of training with your breathing and swordsmanship. According from what I've read, that is called a 'See through World' where you'll see through someone elses body like glass. If you achieve that, you'll be able to predict their movements and see them moving in slow motion." Shinjuro answered.
"It was the same sight the Breath of the Sun user had back then according from the records of our ancestors."

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