Chapter 34: Hide and Seek

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Credits to the owner of the header photo. I'm really sorry I don't know who it is since I only got it from Facebook

More than two months had passed since Kano and Haruna went on a mission. They're often on a mission with Kazumi but sometimes not. Just like any other slayers, they're also given their own missions by Kazumi herself from Kagaya.

Today, Sanemi decided to pay Kazumi a short visit before he leave for his mission by sunset. As he gets closer there, he didn't expect to see someone on his way.

"Ah! Aniki, how are you?" Genya asked smiling at Sanemi.

"Fine and you? What're you doing here?"

"I also wanna pay Kazumi-chan a visit. It's been quite a while since I went to visit there."

The two brothers chatted as they walk to the Frost Estate, they had a very long misunderstanding with each other before. But after their encounter with Kazumi as an individual, she managed to shove some sense into Sanemi to treat his only brother left well.

"Came for a visit I see." Ringo said opening the doors to see the two.

"Yeah, is she there?" Genya asked.

"Yes, she's inside playing with the kids."

Sanemi and Genya walked on the empty halls led by Ringo. As they reach one of the living rooms, they could hear the children's laughs and noises.

"Catch me!" Setsuko said cheerfully as she run away from Otaru.

"This way!" Ai called.

They saw the children running around playing tag. While the other children are sitting on the sideline to watch them, including Kazumi.

"Master." Ringo called.

Kazumi turned her head to her direction just to see Sanemi and Genya.

"Nemi-nii, Genya-nii." She said as she stood up from her position and Hideshi about to follow her when Togashi grabbed him.

"Let's play with them!" Togashi said happily as he drag his brother to play along with the others.

"Seems like they're enjoying huh." Sanemi said looking at the children.

"Yes, they've been playing since this morning. They're really energetic." Kazumi replied.

Nahori soon came holding a tray of tea and a teapot for them with some snacks.

"Thank you Nahori-chan!" Kazumi said beaming her usual bright smile to Nahori.

"Please call me if there's more you would like Kazumi-sama." Nahori replied before walking back to the kitchen.

As she walk away, she could feel her face get warmer, she held it with her hands.

'She's really cute as always!'
Nahori mentally squealed.

If someone ever heard that, she would sound like Mitsuri squealing over cute things. The three of them chatted inside the living room while watching the children play.

"They just remind me of my younger siblings. Whenever they play, they're just so noisy like this." Sanemi commented as he watch the children with a warm smile on his face.

"Yes, aniki's right! They're also very energetic and loud." Genya added sipping his tea.

"I see, that's really wonderful! I'm sure they're still as energetic and loud as they are to their paradise." Kazumi replied looking at the two brothers who are watching the kids with a smile on their faces.

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