Chapter 18: Gift and Laughs

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     At the Frost Estate, Kiori's currently resting on her futon with a wet towel on her forehead with her sister, Nahori, beside her to accompany her. Ringo went to get more lukewarm water and Mei went to make some medicine at the kitchen. Kiori's burning hot with fever and the children are worried.

"Will Kiori nee-san gonna be alright?" Shizuko asked.

"Yes of course." Nahori answered.

She dipped the towel in the lukewarm water again and put it back on Kiori's forehead. Ringo came back with a new basin of lukewarm water and Mei with the medicine.

"How's her temperature?" Mei asked.

"It's still the same mother." Nahori answered looking at her sister.

"Did she got wet yesterday by the rain?" A voice asked.

They all looked at the door and Kazumi's there standing. She walked in and sat down the floor putting her sword beside her.

"Master.... yes." Mei answered.

"Give her some medicine and leave her for a while to rest. Also, you can stay here Nahori to accompany your sister and check on her." Kazumi instructed.

Kano and Chiyo called the children out of the room and only left Nahori, Mei, Ringo and Kazumi with Kiori. Kazumi could hear the way Kiori is breathing. She's having a hard time to breathe in and out.

"Mei-san, go get another medicine, Kiori's having asthma." Kazumi quickly instructed.

Mei instantly stood up and left the room to get another medicine. Ringo raised Kiori on a sitting position for a bit, resting Kiori's body on her arm and lap. Mei came back with the medicine and gave Kiori some to drink. After giving her medicines, Ringo and Kazumi left the room.

"I'm glad you're already home now Master." Ringo said as they walk along the hallway of the estate.

"Well.... I managed to finish my mission last night and helped someone on my way here." Kazumi replied.

"You should go take a bath now Master, I'll take your sword to your room and bring your clothes to the bathroom."

"Thank you Ringo-san."

Kazumi gave Ringo her sword and went to take a warm bath. Kano already started his training. After taking a bath, Ringo brought a tray of food to Kazumi's room.

"Did Kiori started to have a headache since last night?" Kazumi asked.

"Yes she did. Until now, her temperature's not going down. But we're hoping she'll get better later. And also...." Ringo took out a box from her yukata.
".... a gift for you."

Kazumi looked at the small box Ringo put on her table. She opened it and saw a snake shaped hairpin.

"The Serpent Pillar, Iguro Obanai, came to visit you the other day but you were out on a mission. So he just left it in my care to give you."

"But why would he give me such a gift?"

"He said it was for giving Kanroji-san a cat as a gift and also another reason in which he chose not to tell."

"I see, I'll thank him if I see him. Thank you for keeping it for me Ringo-san." Kazumi put it aside before she eat.
"So, how's Kano's training going so far?" Kazumi asked before putting a piece of meat in her mouth.

"He's doing very well. And he's progressing little by little."

"I see.... that's very good then."

"But he still needed a lot more training. He still can't master his breathing fully. And his reflexes and reaction time including his speed are still slow, too slow for me." Ringo crossed her arms huffing a little.

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