Chapter 13: Joy Time Before Discipline

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     The next day, as Shinobu woke up, she looked around her room. She looked at the mirror, she saw her eyes are kinda puffy from crying.

"I cried.... last night." Shinobu mumbled to herself as she touch her eyes.

She suddenly remembered what happened last night. Her face suddenly turned red.

"I-I cried then.... then.... waaaaaah!!!" Shinobu covered her face with her hands as it gets even redder.
"D-Don't tell me.... she.... she.... c-carried me!!!"

Aoi suddenly opened the door of Shinobu's room as she saw her Master covering her red face with her hands.

"Shinobu-sama, is there something wrong?" Aoi asked worried to see her Master's red face.

"No-Nothing.... nothing's wrong." Shinobu answered.
"You can leave me alone now."

"A-Alright." Aoi said before leaving the room.

'Just what have I done?'
Shinobu thought as she remembered fully what happened last night.
'I j-just fell asleep so suddenly like that.'

She quickly dressed up as she put on her uniform and haori. She planned on visiting Kazumi at her estate. She quickly left the Butterfly Estate right after their breakfast.

"You seem to be in a hurry Shinobu-sama." Aoi said as she look at her Master outside the estate.

"Yes, I have something important to do and I have to go to a certain place first." Shinobu answered as she vanish in front of Aoi.

[At the Frost Estate....]

     By the time Shinobu arrived at the Frost Estate, she knocked on the door and was met by a kakushi with light-brown eyes.

"Good morning, I'm Kocho Shinobu, the Insect Pillar." Shinobu said with her usual smile.

"Good morning too Kocho-sama, I'm Satoshi, the kakushi assigned here. Please come in." The kakushi said as he motion his hands for Shinobu to come in.

"Oh, no need. I just wanna ask if your Master's inside, I mean Kazumi-chan."

"Ah! Well.... unfortunately, Kazumi-chan has already left this morning for a new mission. I'm sorry Kocho-sama." Satoshi apologized as he slightly bow down.

"Oh.... alright then, please tell her I came by once she comes back." Shinobu said before leaving.
"And also, I suppose you should call your Master more appropriately, or I might teach you how to do it." she continued sending chills down the kakushi's spine.

"Y-Yes! I will Kocho-sama!" Satoshi replied trembling a bit at Shinobu's words.

      Kazumi's walking around the village, she just received this new mission last night by the time she came back from the Butterfly Estate. As she pass by a restaurant, she sensed a familiar aura and sound. She went in to check and saw a table with a lot of bento boxes and plates on top of the other. And there sat a lady with a pink hair with green tips tied in three separate braids. The girl turned to Kazumi's direction.

"Waah! Kazumi-chan, I'm glad you're here!" The lady exclaimed with her green eyes looking happily to Kazumi.

"Yes, me too Mitsuri-san." Kazumi replied.

Kanroji Mitsuri, the Love Pillar, she has a pink hair fading to a green color, her green eyes are the same color as the tips of her hair. She eats a lot and also very energetic.

"Kazumi-chan, I already gave the cat you gifted me a name. She's really lovely." Mitsuri said before putting a spoonful of food in her mouth.

"I see, that's really great then Mitsuri-san. As I thought, you'll get along well with the cat." Kazumi said as she sat in front of Mitsuri.

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