Chapter 38: Follow

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Credits to google for this header photo😅😅😅

Upon finishing her mission, she decided to go back to her estate to change back to her original look. Just as she got closer to her place, a familiar figure got see her.

"Hey kid! Do you know where you're going?" Asked the man that made Kazumi stop on her tracks.

"Yes, is there something wrong sir?" She asked looking at the man.

"I'm Uzui Tengen, the Sound Pillar and you?"

Uzui Tengen, the Sound Pillar. He has a tall and masculine figure. His white hair tied in a ponytail while bandages wrapped his head and a headband adorned with jewels were strapped on his forehead too. His dual swords strapped around his back with bandages.

"Takahara Ryuugi." Kazumi answered.

Tengen hummed a little looking at her from head to toe. He then looked closer at her face while rubbing his chin.

"Boy.... you sure look flamboyant but your eye and your height just reminds me of a certain someone." Tengen said rubbing his chin.
"Nah! She's a girl and her hair's not black."

'He's really not good at telling someone's under a disguise huh.'
Kazumi thought.

She continued on her tracks along with Tengen who walked beside her. He kept on glancing at her with a confused look.

'Maybe he's a friend of hers.'
Tengen thought.

As they finally reached the estate, someone opened the doors for them.

"I'm glad you're back Master." Ringo said.

"Hey, wait a minute! Isn't Kazumi your Master?!" Tengen looked at Ringo with a confused look.


"Then why the hell are you calling this kid Master?!" Tengen pointed a finger at the person beside him.
"..... wait...."

He snapped his head to the side with an expression of realization. Ringo held in her laughter that she's shivering at the scene in front of her. Kazumi just smiled at him.

"Ne~ Tengen-san, how are you?" Kazumi asked now in her original and calm voice.

"Dammit! That's very unflamboyant of you! Why didn't you tell me!"

"And here I thought you'll realize it earlier but I'm wrong."


The two soon entered and sat in the living room.

"Why do you even have to go on a mission looking like that?" Tengen asked sipping his tea.

"It was an escorting mission and I decided to put on a disguise to hide my real identity."

"Oh really....." Tengen showed a smirk.
".... Or is that you tried to be close to that lady?"

"Tengen-san.... the ones I had escorted were men. And one of them's just the same age as you."

Tengen nearly spilled the tea from his mouth hearing Kazumi's answer. He then cleared his throat.

"I mean *coughs* yeah! That disguise of yours is really flamboyant! I'm glad you did!" He suddenly praised her.

"Heh! Tengen-san, what's with the sudden praise hmm?"

Hearing this, he felt his face get warm and turned his head to the side drinking his tea.

"Your tea cup is empty."

"Wha-What? Oh.... I-I.... I have to go now! See you!" Tengen quickly got up and ran out of the estate.

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