Chapter 17: Clouds After the Rain

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     Kazumi's currently rushing to the nearby port of a certain village, her crow has notified her that several demon slayers needed some back-up to defeat a demon. Although it's raining, she didn't mind it. She's the only slayer nearby the area to be able to receive this notice.

"How many slayers are currently there Taro?" She asked while running.

"Ten! And everyone of them are injured, caaaw!!!" Taro answered.

     By the time Kazumi arrived at the port, she saw three of the slayers lying down on the side unconscious being aided by three kakushis. The demon's really big and looks slimy, it's head is surrounded with eyes from front to back. A demon slayer's standing in front of it protecting another slayer behind him.

"Stand up and go to where the kakushis are!"

The slayer behind him just nodded and went to the side. When the other slayer was distracted from warning his subordinate, the demon instantly attacked the slayer with one of its tentacles. The slayer shut his eyes close as he wait for it to hit him when suddenly.....


.... the slayer heard the demon cry in pain, he slowly opened his eyes. He saw a figure standing in front of him holding a sword.

"You're injured so please get some rest."

The slayer instantly stood up and run to the kakushis. Him and his team are all there gathered at the side being aided by the kakushis, they all saw that there's only one slayer who arrived to help them.

"So another one of you brats came. What a feast for tonight!!!" The demon evilly smirked at Kazumi.

The demon attacked with his tentacles aimed to Kazumi. She leapt to the side to dodge the tentacles.

'One, two.... eight tentacles in all.'
Kazumi thought as she counted the tentacles attacking her.

She stopped from running and leapt up cutting the tentacle, landing on it leaping towards the other one cutting it. She landed on the ground firmly and run towards the demon, the demon regenerated his tentacles and attacked her again with it. This time, four tentacles surrounded her and another four crawled beneath her. She leapt up and twisted her body in mid-air slicing them all up. The demon got shocked at this and so are the slayers watching.

"YOU BRAT!!!" The demon shouted in anger as he regenerated his sliced arms and pop out eight more.

The slayers and the kakushis sat there in horror as they were all shocked at what they just saw. The demon moved his tentacles tremendously splashing waters everywhere, the kakushis and slayers got their selves even more wet from the water splashes that reached them.

"DAMN YOU!!!" He attacked Kazumi at every angle surrounding her.

Kazumi managed to leapt away from it but one of its huge tentacles caught her waist from behind and dragged her underwater.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The demon laughed but then he felt his tentacle got cut underwater.

"NO!!!" The slayer Kazumi just saved shouted suddenly standing up.

He tried to take a step but he instantly felt the pain of his sprained ankle and fell on the ground.

"Please stay still! Your ankle might get worst!" The kakushi warned.

"That slayer just got dragged underwater! Someone must help him!" He tried standing up again but he just fell back down.

To their surprise, the slayer whom the demon dragged underwater leapt up sword pointed at the demon's neck. The demon attempted to hit her from the side but she bent her back down landing on another one of his tentacles, she dashed towards the demon and stabbed his biggest eye at the center of his head. The demon shouted at the top of his lungs out of pain, making the slayers and kakushis aside cover their ears. Kazumi pulled her sword back as she leapt away from him landing on one of the poles on the port.

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