Chapter 121: Escape

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     Their scene changed again as Kazumi's now carrying a sling bag with her given by Hikaru.

"Inside are some books you still haven't read, I'm sure you already memorized those you've finished reading. And also, fifteen tubes of demon blood, don't waste it." Hikaru said.

"Thank you." Kazumi thanked her.

"Go now, I'll lead those people out."

Their scene changed again as they saw Aiko now dressed with her demon slayer uniform. Instead of hakama pants, she's wearing a skirt ending on her knees and a knee high brown boots, she's also wearing a light green haori fading to white in the center before fading back to light green again. She carried her children as they sneak out of the room. Unfortunately, she could only use a normal katana since Hibiki broke her nichirin blade.

"We only have three hours before sunrise." Aiko said as she look at Kazumi.

"Go out first, I have to spread the explosives." Kazumi replied.

The two went their separate ways. Kazumi ran down towards Hibiki's basement as she light up the two bottles with a match and threw them there. As it explode, she went up and did the same thing to some parts of the base. The people in there were rushing and running away from the fire.

'Fortunately, Hikaru-san already led some out. Those who can still be considered innocent.'

She ran around as some assassins ran after her, she killed some of them while she just passed by the rest. The whole hideout's starting to be caught on fire and is on the verge of collapsing. As Kazumi's nearing the exit, she saw Hikaru walking back.

"Hikaru-san, why are you here?" Kazumi asked.

"To do something. Go now." Hikaru answered as she grab the seven bottles left from Kazumi's hands.

"I thought you'll join us out. Your family's waiting."

"Kid, they're long gone." Hikaru admitted as she face Kazumi behind her.
"They've been killed by Hibiki when he found out that I was trying to help you."

Kazumi stood there speechless. She then looked down.

"Besides.... after all that I've done, I don't deserve to live happily. A lot of people died because of my experiments. Even you suffered because of me. I was selfish. All this time, turns out I only cared about my own life. I was afraid of dying so I did whatever he told me to.... But when I met you and those two idiots, you three showed me that.... I have a chance to help. You three helped the slayers despite death as a consequence. Now, even just a bit, I'm happy." Hikaru said with a smile as she face the burning part of the hideout.
"Make sure you escape from here alive, I don't wanna see you on the other side too early."

Right after that, Kazumi clenched her fists as she took her cloak out from the bag and wore it. She nodded before running out. She could hear Hikaru's sound further and further, unbeknowst to her, Hikaru's watching her as she ran out before going inside further to spread more explosives. While running, she encountered some assassins and killed them with her dagger.

"Aiko-san.!" She called out as she saw Aiko carrying the children while running.
"Follow Take, he'll lead you to where Ringo-san and the others are!"

"Alright!" Aiko replied as she run faster upon seeing Take above.

Shortly after that, a bladed whip tried to hit her from behind but Kazumi dashed behind her to deflect it.

"You.... you're really troublesome aren't you?" Hibiki said gritting his teeth.

"I'll be your opponent, Hibiki." Kazumi said as she put her sword back to her scabbard.

"I see, so all this time you've got a nichirin blade. Damn brat!"

Hibiki then moved his whip aimed towards Kazumi as she stepped aside and dodge it.

'Insect Breathing, Butterfly Dance: Caprice.'

She then leapt forward as she sent several stabs and slashes towards Hibiki. He managed to block them all but a bit of his hair got cut and fell down the ground.

"You're stronger than I thought." Hibiki said as he brought out a large syringe and injected it to his neck.

Kazumi sprinted forward to stop him but he jumped back as his body started twitching. After a while of his agonizing screams and him rolling on the ground, he then sat up and stood up. He looked at Kazumi with his glowing cat-like orange eyes.

"You're even willing to turn yourself into a demon." Kazumi muttered out.

After that, they saw water droplets falling down. It's starting to rain as the two stood still on their spot. Hibiki shortly smudged his blood on his whip as it increase in size. Now it looked like a bone-bladed whip.

"I'll kill you." Hibiki muttered out.

In one swift whip, five trees around them fell down the ground. His strength has increased drastically as if he's a ranked kizuki.

'His strength is like Rui's.'
Tanjiro thought.

But he suddenly moved his whip in an amazing speed. The trio's eyes couldn't even keep up while the Pillars are having a bit of a hard time to keep up with their eyes.

'What's with him. I couldn't even see his whip anymore.'
Inosuke thought as he try his best to see it.

But as they watch, they could only see Kazumi dodging and deflecting some of it.

'If I have to kill him, I have to get closer. Even if I were to be cut in half.'

By the time Kazumi landed on the ground from a tree branch, she moved towards him.

"I see, so you're coming closer." Hibiki smirked.

'Insect Breathing, Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon.'

Kazumi striked her sword to the six different spots of his whip attacks as she deflect them all. She then stepped aside to dodge his hand that's about to grab her. As she jump away once more, she got herself ready for the next attack.

'Insect Breathing, Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter.'

She dashed towards him with an incredible speed as she aims for his neck, Hibiki almost couldn't see her as he moved his whip to cut her in half. Just as this happened, someone appeared in front of the both of them. Everyone's eyes widened as they saw the person. It was no one but Mayonaka Aiko herself. Kazumi's sword hit her abdomen as Hibiki's whip hit the right side of her waist stopping midway almost at the center of her waist. Blood crawled out of her wounds and her mouth.

"Ka.... zu.... mi." She muttered out.

Kazumi instantly pulled her sword out and grabbed Aiko as she carry her away from him.

"Mother!" Togashi cried beside the bushes as Ringo held the three of them down.

"Why.... why did you come back?" Kazumi asked trying to stop Aiko's bleeding.

"If I didn't you would've been cut by him.... you.... would've died." Aiko answered as she cough out more blood.

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