Chapter 52: Target

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As Ryuugi kept on staring at the night sky, he heard sudden noises down that made him go check for it. As he jump down to look for the guards, he found two corpses.

"I see." He muttered out.

He instantly ran back inside to go and check on Ayato and his family and the Midorime family sleeping inside. On his way there, he grabbed an assassin's sword and killed it. He killed everyone of them whom he encountered slithing their throats or stabbing them, this made the wooden floors be painted in red with their blood.

"You—" a guard was cut off from his words as an assassin stab him.

Ryuugi soon stabbed the culprit from behind too.

"Hello there."

As Ryuugi's about to turn around to see who it was, he felt a sudden force on his nape and fell unconscious on the floor. The figure just smirked before picking him up.

The Pillars soon opened their eyes as they felt theirselves chained up, both their arms were wrapped in chains behind them and so were their legs.

"What the.... where the hell are we?!" Sanemi snapped struggling to free himself.

"What kind of joke is this?" Tengen said trying his best to break the chains.

"Where's Taka-kun? He's not here." Mitsuri asked after looking at everyone noticing one of them is missing.

They all kept on shouting in hopes to be able to call someone's attention. For an hour, they all felt exhausted and their throats almost completely dry. A figure soon showed up with a smirk on his face.

"Well hello there, took you guys so long to wake up." The unknown man greeted.

He has a green hair and orange colored eyes. He's wearing a maroon colored kimono and blue hakama pants.

"Who are you?" Muichiro asked.

"I'm Hibiki. Seems like I've overestimated everyone of you." Hibiki answered.

"Where's Takahara?! Where is he?!" Sanemi asked gritting his teeth.

"Before I tell you guys about that. How about I let you guys guess first where your friend is?"

His statement alone made the Pillars glare at him, irk marks appearing on their heads and necks.

"You bastard, what did you do to him?!" Shinobu muttered out.

"I see, glad I got to meet Aiko's student. Just like her, you two are useless." Hibiki said looking down at her.

".... Now I get it.... you were the one who took Mayonaka-sama."

"Yes I am, so what of it?" He replied as he sigh.
"Unfortunately, even if I got to lock you all up, none of you guys is my main target."

"If none of us were your target then, why still bother to lock us up like this?" Giyu asked glaring at him.

"Let's just say, one of my targets were the Minamoto and Midorime family. And since you guys are here, everyone of you are just going to be in the way." He answered.
"And also.... I could even use you guys as bait for my main target I've been talking about." He added rubbing his chin with his right hand.

"I'm sure your target's not that important to even bother saving us and getting caught in a trap like this by you. But if you're talking about our Master, there's no way in hell we'll let you have him." Kyojuro said.

"Well, I don't have any idea about what your organization is aside from you guys slaying demons, so let alone your Master." Hibiki replied as he put his hand behind him and smirk menacingly at them.
"But are you guys sure my target's not that important?"

The Pillars were confused at this. A sudden stranger who turns out to be the one who took the former Insect Pillar, Mayonaka Aiko, is now blabbering about a certain target of his. They kept on thinking as a sudden realization hit them.

'Well, Aiko-san entrusted her children to me so I'm taking care of them.'

Kazumi's words kept on ringing in their head. They felt as if a sudden boulder just weighed them down.

"D-Don't.... tell me...." Shinobu stuttered looking down with cold sweat.

"Hah! You guys finally got it! Amazing! Though it took you all a minute to realize." Hibiki said clapping his hands thrice.

They soon heard his footsteps slowly vanish as he walk away from them as they were all speechless. The silence surrounded them for a couple of minutes until the chains started glowing in a red color, their legs suddenly parted and started to move. Even though they try to stop it, they cant, the chains are making them move. They only stopped as they reach the garden, in front were the Minamoto family and Midorime family chained up too. The chains stopped glowing and they were all kneeling on the ground again.

"Great, now everyone's complete!" Hibiki commented.

"You are as cruel as ever Hibiki! To come back and take away what's not yours!" Lady Minamoto spat out.

"Shut up woman! Don't worry, you and your precious family will be dead in no time."

Ayato turned his head to his chained friends too and then to the Pillars, he noticed how pale they look. The cheery expressions of both Kyojuro and Mitsuri are now shadowed like the rest. He also noticed that Ryuugi's not with them which made him even more worried.

"Now then let's start. You call yourselves Pillars and now, none of you will escape death."

Ten men soon surrounded the Pillars. They all held out a sword and three of them held out a gun, they all pointed their weapons to the Pillars still a bit away from them as they were cautious.

"You are such an evil being Hibiki, not only you are dragging the innocent people to your problems but even killing them." Gyomei said still trying his best to break the chains but he just really can't since the chains were imbued with Hibiki's blood demon art.

"Am I? Do you think I'm the only who's evil here?.... Let me just tell everyone of you that I'm not the only one evil here! Minamoto Ayato! He who betrayed his own friend because of his own envy! Midorime Tetsuya! He who killed a mother whose child he gave away to be tortured and abandoned! And what's worst?!.... THE SO CALLED CHIEF DIDN'T EVEN TEACH HIS OWN SON A DAMN LESSON!!!" Hibiki snapped shouting his last sentence angrily.

The Pillars were all speechless at the sudden revelation. All this time, they were having a good time with such people. This made them sick to the stomach they almost wanted to puke. While they were all dozing off, Hibiki gave the signal to his men to kill them. As they were about to do so, a sudden figure jumped in front of them grabbing the swords and guns with his bare hands.
Some of the swords broke and the men were killed in an instant too. The Pillars looked up to that person just to see their friend.

"Ta.... Taka-kun..." Shinobu muttered out.

Blood are now dripping down his hands and his body, some of his hair still tied up but already messy, his eyepatch still on his right eye, his kimono were a bit torn especially his sleeves but his long sleeve shirt beneath kept his arms covered.

"You call that a beating? You're pathetic aren't you?" Ryuugi said throwing a piece of a broken sword aside.

"You're really something. I've beaten you up yet you still managed to stand up." Hibiki replied.

"I wonder if I should laugh at you or not. You can't even tell who's in front of you because of a mere disguise."

Ryuugi soon reach for his eye patch and took it off as he look directly at Hibiki. He suddenly felt an urge of anger and excitement in his body looking at Ryuugi. His eyes now having slit pupils but still the same color, his nails grew longer and sharper.

"You damn brat! I knew it!" Hibiki said smiling like a psycho.
"All this time you were just disguising yourself."

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