Chapter 28: Confession

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     After finishing all fifteen missions in a row, Kazumi finally decided to go back to her estate and take some rest. As she got closer, she saw the usual first person she would always see whenever she gets back, still sweeping in front of the estate.

"Good morning Ringo-san!" Kazumi greeted.

"Good morning too Master! You're finally back." Ringo greeted back.

"Yes, how's everyone?"

"Fine as always and also, still waiting for you to come home."

"I see, let's get inside."

As the two make their way to the dining room to have breakfast, the children all stood up and happily greeted Kazumi the time they saw her, even Nahori and Kiori including Kano and Haruna.

"You're finally back Oka-sama!" Ai said looking up to her.

"Nii-sama!" Kano and Haruna said before jumping at her and giving her a hug.

Kazumi stepped back a bit while holding them because of their weight. She hugged and patted everyone.

"Hey, slow down you two! Kazumi-sama just came back!" Nahori nagged at the two.

"Oka-sama! Hideshi cried last night searching for you, he had a nightmare again." Togashi tugged her clothes for her to look down.

Hideshi just nodded and hugged Kazumi tighter before Kazumi lifted him up and carried him.

"Is it still the same nightmare again hmm, Hideshi-kun?" Kazumi asked looking at Hideshi.

He just gave her a nod before hugging her looking like he don't wanna go down.

"Alright, let's sleep together tonight then 'kay?"

Hideshi's eyes lighted up and he nodded quickly agreeing at her offer. She patted his back as she kept carrying him.

"Waaah! That's unfair, let me sleep with you too Oka-sama!" Ai whined.

"Yeah me too!" Togashi added.

"Alright. Alright."

"Can I sleep with you too Oka-sama?" Setsuko asked with her head down.

"Of course you can." Kazumi gave Setsuko a pat on the head.

"Geez! What's wrong with you kids?" Nahori facepalmed herself.

"Why? Are you jealous that they get to sleep with nii-sama while you can't huh, Nahori-nee?" Kano teased giving Nahori a smug look.

Nahori blushed at this and gave Kano a smack on the head. Kano then rubbed the top of his head retorting to Nahori.

"Shut up carrot!"

"What I said is true!"

"Come now children, let's all eat before the food gets cold." Mei called.

The children sat on their respective spots and Kazumi put down Hideshi to eat.

[After Breakfast....]

     "You're too slow, run faster!" Ringo ordered at Kano who's currently running around the forest.

"Yes ma'am!" Kano answered.

"And you too!" Ringo turned her head to Haruna.
"Make your sword swings faster!"

"Yes!" Haruna answered while swinging her sword.

"Looks like they're doing fine."

Ringo turned her head to her side and saw Kazumi walking closer before stopping beside her.

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