Chapter 110: "Flamboyant"

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The three of them are now ready to do their actual mission. Their mission to protect the slayers instead of killing them as they separate theirselves from the others.

"Finally! After more than three months of training! We're now going to wander around!" Asano cheered as the three of them walk around the forest.

"Yeah. But still, we can't let Hibiki notice this or we're all doomed." Fu replied.

And from walking, they started running to follow the others.

"I think it's best if we separate." Kazumi suggested.
"There'll be a big chance for us to be able to save one."

"Alright then, be careful." Fu replied as he went to the left side.

"We'll look for you in case something happens!" Asano said before jumping up a tree branch.

Now Kazumi's left alone as she go straight following one of her supposedly 'comrades'. As she stop along with the one she's following, she saw two slayers walking up the mountain.

"Isn't this the part where a Pillar was rumored to be missing?" Asked the slayer to his other slayer friend.

"Yeah. But who knows.... it's just rumors." Replied the other slayer.

Kazumi watched as the assassin take out a gun and aimed it to them. She instantly dashed towards him and knocked him down grabbing his gun.

"She's quick." Giyu said as he watch.

Their scene changed again as they're now back in their room.

"So how many slayers did you two saw last night?" Asano asked.
"I saw three!"

"I saw five." Fu answered.

"Four." Kazumi answered.

"Waaah! So Fu saw five! Unfair!" Asano pouted.

"Shut up! It's not as if this is a contest of who sees the most slayers." Fu said smacking his head a little.

"Take, how are you?" Kazumi asked.

"I'm fine." He answered as he stretch his wings.

The next thing they saw is Take taking his first flight after being injured.

"I'll catch you if ever you fall." Kazumi said as she put Take on a tree branch.

He soon stretched his injured wings slowly for many times as an excercise for not flying for too long. Shortly, he fully stretched his wings as they were all surprised at how long and big it is.

"What a flamboyant wingspan he has!" Tengen praised.

"It's very beautiful!" Mitsuri praised with a blush.

Take soon jumped down as he started to fly. Higher and higher until he looks like a small bird in the sky.

"Look! He's flying! He's flying!" Asano exclaimed as he follow Take with his eyes.

"You're like a kid, idiot." Fu said as he look at him.

Take soon landed back on the same branch where Kazumi put him and where she's sitting.

"It seems like you're finally ready to go back to your home. Goodluck." Kazumi said as she pat his head.

"I am home now. I'm home with you Kazumi-sama." Take replied.

Fu and Asano's eyes widened and their mouths agape as they look up to them.

"Wait.... you sure?.... I mean.... I'm not required as one." Kazumi said.

"You are. So I'll stay by your side and serve you." Take replied sitting closer to her.

"I see.... no need to be so formal, you're my friend."

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