Chapter 103: Two Brothers

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     By the time Aiko finished her food, Kazumi walked out of the room. As she place the empty tray in the kitchen, their scene changed again. Kazumi's now inside a small room together with two more children who's older than her. Their eyes widened by the time they saw how horrible she looked, they approached her with a worried look.

"Hey, are you alright? You're covered in blood!" The boy with a long black hair tied in a messy low ponytail and blue eyes reacted.

"Wanna take a bath?! We have a bathroom and extra clothes for you." The other boy said with a short black hair, black eyes, and a scar over the left side of his mouth said.

Kazumi remained silent as the two lead her to the bathroom. They cleaned her and bandaged up her wounds. She then wore new ragged clothes but since it's big for her, she only wore the long sleeved one like a dress reaching below her knees. Her hair is still messy.

"There! Now you're clean!" The boy with blue eyes said with a bright smile.
"I'm Asano and this is Fu!" He added patting the shoulder of the other boy.

Kazumi then took out the small notebook and brush Aiko gave her as she open it and show them her name.

"I'm Kazumi. Sorry but it's difficult for me to talk."

"I see. It must be because of your torture. You're still young yet you're already here." Fu said looking at her with pity.

"Don't worry! We'll be your friends and we'll help you talk again!" Asano said as he pat her head.

"Don't you guys notice something?" Tengen asked.

"What?" Sanemi replied.

"That Asano, he looked like a younger version of Tomioka here." Tengen answered as he look at Giyu.

"You're right. But a cheerful one." Shinobu replied grinning at Giyu.

Giyu remained silent as he look at Asano. It's true. Asano looked like a younger version of Giyu, the time when he still have that ray of light in his eyes that disappeared along with his bestfriend.

"Kazumi, since when were you brought here?" Fu asked.

"Some weeks ago."

"I see, me and Asano here are twelve, how old are you?"

She lifted up five fingers of her right hand. This shocked the two boys at how young she is yet she got tortured that much.

"Do you have any siblings then?" Asano asked.

"No I don't, how about you guys?"

"I do have siblings but.... they were killed before I was taken here." Fu answered.

"I don't have one." Asano answered.
"That's why from now on we're not just your friends! We're now your older-brothers too!"

"Sorry if he's loud. But he's a true psycho at times." Fu whispered to Kazumi.

"Huh?! Don't say that! Aren't you happy we got a little sister now?!" Asano exclaimed.

"I am. But it's true, you're a psycho."

"Tch. You too you know."

The scene changed again. The both of them are trying to teach her how to be able to talk again.

"Okay like this A. Sa. No." Asano moved his mouth slowly.

Kazumi just tilted her head and remained silent.

"*sigh* I think this will take some time. We can't rush her." Fu said.
"It's alright I'm sure you'll be able to speak again." He added patting her head.

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