Chapter 55: Home

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As Kazumi kept on sitting silently on the snow covered ground, she did nothing but to stare at the mound right in front of her. Her smile still there and her calm demeanor. She soon heard footsteps coming closer as it stop just a few feet away from her.

"You really know where to go. I thought you've forgotten this place already." Hibiki said.

"How could I? This is the place where the person who gave life to me is burried." She replied standing up grabbing her sword from the ground facing Hibiki.

Hibiki's smirk just widened with anger and excitement.

"Ahahahahaha!!! Just hearing you makes me angry and excited at the same time! What a real blessing it is!" Hibiki exclaimed with his histerical laugh.
"Oh my Kazumi, if only you obeyed me none of this would've happened."

"If I did, things would only get worst. I'm not the same pet of yours back then Hibiki."

Without any hesitation, Hibiki dashed towards Kazumi as he send a punch at her. She dodged it by somersaulting above him and landing on his back sending him down the ground. She soon jumped away dodging another one of his attack making the snow rise up. As the view slowly get cleared, Hibiki is seen standing with a whip at hand made out of bones, his own bones, a spine to be exact.

"I see, so you use your own bones as your weapon." Kazumi stated.

"If only you're a demon now, putting the demon slayer oraganization down would just be a piece of cake for him. But you're so stubborn as ever!"

Hibiki soon moved his whip and sent it to Kazumi's direction, she dodged by jumping up but he charged at her kicking her to her side. She then hit a tree breaking it before instantly getting up to dodge his incoming punch. A small crater showed as Hibiki lift his fist up after punching the ground.

"Blood Demon Art: Whip of Despair!"

Hibiki moved his arms as his whip swayed like crazy crushing and slicing everything around him. His attacks made the snow rise up and blurry the view.

It's night but the moon is full so there's still light. Looking around, he didn't see any figure of his target. He soon turned around as he block his face with his left arm. He jumped away just to see his left arm drop on the ground and disintegrated as he regenerated his sliced arm back.

'I didn't even notice her behind me.'
He thought as he glare at her.

"Blood Demon Art: Whip of Grief!"

He moved his weapon again and blocked each slashes Kazumi sent to him. He also kept on trying to hit her but she just kept on dodging. Until, Kazumi leaped up and the whip moved again from the side upwards that hit her and sent her rolling on the ground. As she got up, she dodged his whip attack again by flipping backwards and slicing it off. The whip just regenerated again and attacked but she dodged it.

'His whip is even longer than Mitsuri-nee's sword.'
She thought as she land on the ground skidding to a stop.

"You're still fast. But I could still move this thing even faster!" Hibiki stated.

He soon moved his whip like crazy. Faster than the previous ones making his attack range reach longer and destroy even more trees around. The snow completely covered the whole surrounding but he's still moving it. He soon stopped as he looked around and alerted his self. He's ready to defend himself and attack again but even if the the snow has cleared and the surrounding came into view, he didn't receive any attacks.

"Come on now. Aren't you even angered over the fact that I already made your friends hate you? Come at me and show me what you got."

Right after his words, he saw a pebble being thrown at him from his left side. As he block himself with his whip, three more pebbles were thrown behind him but his whip just crushed them.

"Is this all you have? To throw pebbles at me?"

Several more pebbles were soon thrown towards him in which he just crushed them all with his whip. His smile turning into a frown as he lose his patience waiting for his enemy to attack.

"DAMMIT! JUST COME OUT ALREADY AND LET ME—" Hibiki's shouting was suddenly cut as he saw himself stabbed from behind.

"You're not suppose to let your guard down." Kazumi stated smiling at him.

He then grabbed the blade in an attempt to break it but Kazumi pulled it back as she jump away from him. She landed on a tree branch that was soon hit by Hibiki's attack. He kept on attacking her but his whips always end up one step away from her. He soon moved his whip in a fast phase like before as Kazumi leapt up above him.

"Frost Breathing, fifth form: ...."

As Hibiki watch her, it is as if she's falling down slowly like that of a snow. She soon landed in front of him swinging her sword down cutting him in half in a single downward slash.

".... Snowfall."

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Hibiki let out a cry of pain as he felt himself slashed into two.

He couldn't regenrate even if he wanted to. He could feel nothing but pain, a cold pain slowly swallowing him and his body as a whole.

"Hibiki, you've done a lot of unforgivable things. Experimenting and torturing a lot of innocent people for your own selfish desire is pathatic. You're nothing but a trash who deserve to go to hell." Kazumi said giving him a closed eye smile as she walk away from him sheathing her sword.

Even if how much Hibiki wanted to utter a word, he just can't. It's as if someone's covering his mouth preventing him to speak. Soon, his body has fully disappeared leaving nothing, even his clothes. Kazumi stretched up her arms for a while as she saw the sky slowly change in color, it's slowly getting lighter.

"Well, that took some time it's already morning." She mumbled to herself.

Ringo's raven soon arrived and landed on her shoulder. She read the letter tied around its foot.

"Kazumi-sama we won, we also managed to protect the village. None of the villagers died but some of them were injured. Please come back home safely."

Kazumi soon tied a small piece of paper around the raven's foot before letting it fly back again. Take soon landed on the ground beside her.

"Would you like to rest here for a while Master?" Take asked looking up to her.

"Yeah, I need to do a little clean up." Kazumi answered picking up Take.
"How are they?"

"They already changed theirselves and are ready to go in just five minutes. They're still speechless and enraged towards you Master. What should we do?" Take answered worried for his master.

"We have nothing to do. We just have to let them be."

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