Chapter 93: Challenge

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Time passed by as they all have a chat. Mitsuri already managed to eat a total of ten plates of sakura mochis with four mochis on each plate, now she's eating her eleventh one. Masako even have to call for another kakushi to help her with preparing and serving the mochis.

"Kanroji-san, please slow down a bit." Obanai said looking at her.

"Eh?! But all of these are so yummy! I can't stop eating!" Mitsuri replied as she stuff another mochi in her mouth.

"Can I have one too?!" Kyojuro asked.


Mitsuri's silence only means one thing. That he should go get his own.

"Here's another!" Masako announced as she entered the living room.

She put down five plates of sakura mochis on the table from a food tray. Kyojuro grabbed and ate some as if having an eating contest with Mitsuri.

"Will the both of you slow down! Eat normally! Don't act like you two are participating in an eating contest!" Shinjuro scolded them.

"Sorry." The two said in unison as they continued to eat their food, slowly.

'This place is very beautiful. I can't even believe Kazu-kun owns two estates.'
Tanjiro thought as he sip his tea.

"Hmph!" Nezuko 'hmphed' as she put Tanjiro's right hand on her head.

"I see, you wanted some headpats." Tanjiro replied as he patted his sister's head.

On the other hand, Ringo is seen sitting on the veranda staring at the garden.

"Looks like they're all enjoying inside." Kai said as him and Fuji showed theirselves to her.

"Kai-san. Fuji-san." Ringo said looking at them.

"You looked like you've calmed down already." Fuji replied as she sat down beside her.

"I think so. But only a little. Say, why are the both of you here?" Ringo asked.

"Well.... we decided to follow them and see the results of showing them something interesting. Turns out they're all fine despite Kanae being a demon." Fuji answered.

"Well yeah.... after all, she's a former Pillar and didn't act like a demon when seeing them." Ringo said sighing.

"Despite some changes that happened to her body, she's still her old self like what Master said." Kai added sitting beside Fuji crossing his arms.
"But.... it doesn't look like what happened just now made their anger towards Master to dwell down."

Ringo let out a long sigh as she massage her temples. Feeling frustrated at Kai's words and the Pillars' presence. She just couldn't get herself to feel comfortable with them.

"That's why they're all such a headache. They're like a bunch of hardheaded and disrespectful brats!" Ringo exclaimed gritting her teeth, a shadow covering the upper part of her face.

"Say what?! Brats?!" Sanemi exclaimed as he came from the living room to the back.
"Watch what you're saying behind our backs, bitch!"

"Oh! Well then I apologize, bastard! You're one to talk! Haven't you done the very same thing to Kazumi-sama?!" Ringo retorted glaring daggers at him.
"Don't talk to me as if you know me, Wind Pillar." She hissed.

"Tch! Don't be so high of yourself! You're not a Pillar! Though you can use a breath style, you're not a part of the corps!"

"So you're saying I'm the one who thinks highly of myself?! How about you, huh?! Don't wait for me to lose my patience and smack your filthy mouth!"

"You're really disrespectful aren't you?" Obanai butted in who just showed up.
"We already heard about you from Kanae-san and Yuichiro, seems like they've overestimated you."

"Shut up. You don't care about my abilities nor what I can do." Ringo replied keeping her glare at Sanemi.

"Huh? If you're really strong, how come you lost your arm? If you're really almost similar to a Pillar, you won't lose it."

'Oh shut up cocky serpent! Just so you know, everyone of you still didn't know a lot about Kazumi-sama! You'll be dead if it weren't for her! I'll stab you to death!'
Ringo angrily exclaimed in her mind.

"I lost my arm because of my own decision and you have nothing to do with it. Now, the both of you better go back inside instead of making me shiver in anger here." Ringo suggested as she turn her back from them.

"No! Since you're such a bitch, I challenge you!" Sanemi said holding the hilt of his katana.
"Fight me and Iguro and we'll prove you how those two back there overestimated you."

'Oh really? Challenge me huh?'

"Very well then, don't cry if you two lose." Ringo replied finally facing them.

The three walked down the veranda and now stood on the garden. Sanemi and Obanai unsheathed their blades as Ringo didn't have hers. Instead, she has a wooden sword with her.

"Not gonna use a real sword? Such confidence you have." Obanai muttered out glaring at her.

"I don't need a real sword to take you two down. Such aggressiveness and ignorance you two have." Ringo replied.

With that, both Sanemi and Iguro dashed towards her at once. Ringo stood there calmly looking seriously at them. Sanemi appeared behind her while Iguro sprinted straight away towards her appearing on her left. As their blades reach her, she raised her wooden sword and spun her body in a clockwise motion. Her attack managed to hit Sanemi's waist and Obanai's abdomen. This made the two males roll on the ground and clutch the part of their body that she hit.

"Great, it's just seconds yet they're down." Fuji commented closing her eyes as she smirk.

"As expected from a student of Kazumi-sama." Kai replied.

'That was fast, and also such an impact for a short and quick one.'
Obanai thought as he was about to grab his sword.

"Too slow." Ringo said.

Obanai was so surprised to see her stepping on the hilt of his sword. As he attempted to swift her off her feet, Ringo already raised her wooden sword as it sent an uppercut to Obanai hitting him under his chin and forcing it up. This made Obanai flip over and lose consciousness.

"Iguro! You!" Sanemi called as he glare at Ringo.

To his surprise, Ringo's not there anymore. He quickly stood up as he turn back but was only met by a stab attack on his abdomen. As he's about to lose consciousness, he inhaled and controlled his breathing to regain it back.

"Not bad." Ringo said smirking at him.

Sanemi gripped his sword tighter and sprinted towards her. As he gets nearer to her, he jumped up as he twist his own body to send a slash attack directly to her. Ringo then dodged it by stepping back and jumping higher than him.


Sanemi was cut off when Ringo hit the back of his chest with her wooden sword knocking the air out of him, making him land on the ground unconscious and a bleeding nose. The Pillars and the trio who heard the commotion came out except for Kanae and Nezuko, they were all shocked to see two unconscious bodies on the ground. Obanai lying on the ground with his back while Sanemi is face down the ground. Both Pillars unconscious with an injury.

"Shinazugawa-san! Iguro-san!" Shinobu called.

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