Chapter 114: Tremble

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They are now inside Aiko's room again as they show her their swords that they got last night.

"Those are such wonderful colors! I'm happy for the three of you!" Aiko exclaimed as she look at their swords with admiration.

"If you use Insect Breathing, does that mean your sword is similar to Kazumi's?" Asano asked.

"Yes it is. Our sword injects poison to our opponents." Aiko answered.

Now it's night again and the trio has to do the usual but this time, they have their own swords now. Thankfully, their cloaks are long enough to cover them.

"Flower Breathing, fourth form: Crimson Hanagoromo!"

Asano sent a single sword slash that curves and twists as he leapt forward towards the two demons they encountered. He ended up successfully decapitating them.

"See that!" Asano exclaimed smiling proudly.

"Let's go." Fu replied as he walk away.

"Come on! At least say I did well or something like that!" Asano exclaimed as he tug on Fu's cloak.

"You did well." Kazumi said.

"There she said it." Fu deadpanned.

"Thank you Kazumi!"

As they go on further, they have to take on their separate ways again. As Kazumi went further on, she noticed a smoke coming from the village nearby the other village where they received their swords. As she go there, she came at the same time as Asano.

"Fire. Is there a demon here?" Asano asked.

"I guess. I can hear it." Kazumi answered.

As they enter, they saw people running in different directions as another explosion was heard. As they go further on, they saw three figures coming out from the thick smoke.

"Let's get them." Asano said in his unusual serious tone.

Him and Kazumi dashed forward as they unsheathed their swords.

"Flower Breathing, fifth form: Peonies of Futility!"

Asano sent a graceful flurry of nine consecutive attacks that flow and weave in on themselves as the arms of the two demons were successfully cut by him while the other one got his right leg cut by him too.

"Who are these children?!" Asked one of them.

'Insect Breathing, Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter.'

Kazumi dashed at the other demon that was unharmed by Asano as she sent him a single thrust attack that hit his neck strengthened by her momentum to inject poison.

"Waaah! So fast!" Mitsuri exclaimed watching.

Kazumi pulled her sword out as the demon fell on his knees and clutch his neck as he cough out some blood.

"You...." The demon growled.

As the other demon that was cut by Asano disintegrated,  he dashed towards Kazumi.

"I'll eat you brat!"

The demon pounced at her as she jump back away from him. As he's about to attack her again, he felt his head fall down the ground.

"There." Asano said as he sheathed his sword and look at the decapitated head of the demon.

Right after that, the two hid themselves as they heard slayers coming their way. They ran away from the village to look for slayers to protect and demons to kill.

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