Chapter 101: Torture

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The scene changed again but they're still in the same place. Seeing Kazumi with her fresh wounds, they know it was just the second day of her being taken in there. The same man soon entered again holding the same whip.

"Oh my.... I'm surprised you're alive with just the two glasses of water given to you yesterday. You're really something." Hibiki said as he look down at her.

Kazumi remained silent as she kept her head down. If one were to look at her, she could be mistaken as a corpse for how silent and still she is.

"It seems like a hundred whip yesterday isn't enough for you." Hibiki muttered out as he grip his whip tightly and walked behind her.

They all tensed up again seeing him do the same thing when her wounds are still fresh. But they can't do anything but watch as their hands shiver and tighten in pity and anger. Gritting their teeth as they listen to the sound of the whip against her back. Unlike before, Kazumi didn't scream nor made any sound this time.

'He's definitely going to kill me with this whips.'

As Hibiki kept on going, Mitsuri covered her face trying to stop her tears again while Shinobu and Kanae hugged each other crying. Fuji's fists were so tight her knuckles have turned white as Kai is looking at the other side.

Today's count is a hundred fifty whips.

'Why?.... She hasn't done anything at all. So why?.... WHY DOES THIS BASTARD KEPP ON TORTURING HER?!'
Sanemi thought angrily as he kept gritting his teeth.

Everyone of them trying their best not to approach him and hold him to beat him up.

"Tomorrow, I'll send a servant here to clean you up a little. You'll start serving me tomorrow." Hibiki said before he got out of the cell.

As he did this, Kazumi moved. They could hear the cracking of her joints and bones, and the shuffling of her clothes as she straighten up. She then bent her head backwards as if she wasn't whipped at all.

As the scene changed again, they're now inside a certain room as they saw Kazumi wearing ragged clothes, and her hair still a mess.

"Here, this will be your job for today." The older female servant told her as she hand her a bucket of water and a ragged piece of cloth.
"We'll clean this place."

Kazumi just gave a slight nod as she started doing her job. Because of her long thick hair covering her whole back, they can't tell whether she's bleeding or not.

"Her blood.... smells different." Tanjiro said.

They all looked at him with a questioning look.

"Her blood back there in the cell smells different from her blood during the trial at Oyakata-sama's place." Tanjiro said.

"It must be because she's inside an enclosed place and also.... it must be because of some dried blood that remained in there." Shinobu replied.

For each scene that they saw, they saw her being tortured every single day for the rest of the week. Her third day gaining her two hundred whips, her fourth gaining her two hundred fifty, her fifth gaining her two hundred fifty still, her sixth gaining her three hundred, and her seventh gaining her three hundred fifty whips. They watched there as Hibiki took their breath away by toturing a five year old child.

"Seems like it wouldn't be easy for you guys huh." Fuji said with a smirk looking at them.
"Boar head and blondie's free to go back."

This gained their attention as they look at Inosuke and Zenitsu standing still as if they're frozen on the spot.

"Shut up! I.... I'm alright! I wo.... won't go back!" Inosuke retorted.

"I.... I'm fine." Zenitsu murmured.

"Fine then." Fuji replied.

Now they're inside a different room. Kazumi's lying on a bed with straps around her wrists and ankles and a rolled piece of clothe around her mouth. And their expectations came true, it's torture again but by electrocution.

"This...." Muichiro muttered out.

Now it started. Hibiki standing aside as he watch two male doctors do the torture. Kazumi screamed but the clothe prevented her voice to be heard out of the room. She struggled as they watch how her arms and legs move. Everyone of them can't help it but close their eyes in horror. Her muffled screams and the sound she makes as she struggle didn't went unheard of them.

'Kazu-kun.... please.... please stop hurting Kazu-kun.'
Tanjiro pleaded in his head as he cry covering his ears and closing his eyes.

As they finish up, Kazumi's left there catching her breath trembling. Her eyes half-lidded, her consciousness coming in and out.

'It hurts.... my body.... I feel like it's burning inside.... it's.... painful.'
She thought as she kept looking up the light of the room.
'Please.... just.... kill me.'

"After an hour, do it again." Hibiki instructed as he walk out of the room leaving the two by theirselves.

The two gave him a nod as a response as they waited for an hour to pass by and do another electrocution. As they do so, they're clearly enjoying it, disgusting the ones struggling to watch. As they stop again, Tanjiro could smell a faint scent of something burning, a scent of burning flesh. They all slowly opened their eyes to look at her as they were left nothing but horror. As her body kept shaking, blood covered her whole body.

Blood even came out of her mouth and ears as she stayed there panting.

'Please.... just.... kill me.... I.... don't wanna be here.'
Kazumi pleaded in her mind as she pass out.

For the following scenes, they did nothing but watch her being tortured. As the scenes kept on changing, her whip count increased to more than five hundred. Each day, that whip would touch her body and so is the electrocution. But there's one thing they noticed after her first electrocution. She didn't struggle for the second one anymore. The same with the rest. And the answer hit them hard.

The girl who once thought of her body being in pain is now silent and blank. Kazumi has become numb of pain. Number than anyone they could ever think of.

'Ah.... they're going at it again.'
She thought as she watch the doctors get her to lie down for another electrocution.
'I guess it's alright.... I.... couldn't feel it at all anymore.'

They were taken aback by what she just thought. It's as if someone just suddenly slapped their faces hearing her thoughts. If they were the ones in her position, they'll be dead before they know it. They'll be dead even before they could lose their sense of feeling pain.

'No one wanted me alive anyway.'

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