Chapter 22: Crying Spring Flower

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Three days passed after that gathering. Right now, Kazumi's on her way to a new mission in which she's sent to a certain mountain. It is said that some people who pass by there and stay there overnight were never found. At the bottom of the mountain is a small village. This seems to be the smallest village Kazumi had ever been to compared to the previous villages she had seen.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Kazumi heard a voice while walking up the mountain. She went to its direction to see it. She saw a small cottage as she got closer and outside the cottage is a girl crying on the ground. She has a waist length black hair with green tips. She watched as the man in front of the girl pull her head up by her hair.

"I'm sorry, I was hungry so I can't help but eat it." The girl cried.

"What a pest you are! Not only are you lazy but you also wanted to steal our food!" A woman standing at the door nagged clearly angry at the girl.

Kazumi hid herself for a while to see what will happen. The man let go of the girl's hair. She slowly crawled away from him wiping her tears.

"Go sell some woods and earn money!" The man ordered before going inside and shutting the door.

The girl went to pick up some chopped woods to sell. As she walk away from her home, Kazumi slowly approached her and tapped her shoulder gently.

"Excuse me miss."

The girl turned around, her black colored eyes looked at the one who just tapped her shoulder. She saw a person just the same height as her with an ash-gray hair with black tips and heterochromatic eyes.

"Um.... y-yes?"

"Are you selling those woods?" Kazumi asked.

"Yes I am."

"Can I help you then? That looks heavy."

"There's no need! I-I can do it!" The girl hesitated.

Kazumi made Take carry her sword for a while so the girl won't notice and get startled.

"You'll be able to earn more money. Please." Kazumi clasped her hands pleading to the girl.


The two walked side-by-side to search for the houses as they walk further. They managed to sell the woods just by the time the sun started to set. They sat under a tree for a while to rest.

"Thank you for helping me. I'm really sorry for troubling you."

"No need. I'm happy to help by the way, I'm Kazumi, Kazu for short. And you are?" Kazumi reached for her hand to the girl.

"I'm Haruna, nice to meet you Kazumi-san." Haruna shaked Kazumi's hand before the both of them slowly pulled it back.

"Kazu's fine, no need to be so formal."

"Anyway, you seem to be new here. Where are you from?"

"I'm really new here, in fact, I'm here for a mission."

"A mission?" Haruna slightly tilted her head to the side.

"I'm a slayer, a demon slayer to be exact. We slay demons in order to protect humans." Kazumi answered giving her a closed eye smile.

"A.... slayer.... Demons...." Haruna still looked clueless.

"Demons are the creatures who live by devouring humans. They lurk at night since the sunlight would kill them."

"Oh, I see.... so they kill humans in order to live." Haruna lifted a finger getting what Kazumi's saying.

"Yes. But not all of them, there are also demons who don't devour humans or let's say, stopped devouring humans."

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