Chapter 118: Protecting Four while Meeting One

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     As the people approach them, Kazumi stayed still as the man kept his hold onto her cloak. She wanted to just pull her cloak away and leave but the man's hold is just tight that indicates he really doesn't wanna let go.

"Father!" One of them called.

The man who came looked like to be in his early twenties while the man Kazumi helped looked like to be in his late forties.

"I already stopped the bleeding, I have to go now." Kazumi said as she slightly bow down.

"Please come.... again." The man she helped muttered out.

She thought that the man might not let go if she said no, so she just nodded.

Their scene changed again as Kazumi's now back inside Aiko's room.

"Thank you for doing it and coming back safe." Aiko thanked her.

"No worries.... I also managed to help a village before coming back here." Kazumi replied.

"I'm back." Fu said as he enter the room and take his mask off.
"Glad you're back too."

"Welcome back." Kazumi said giving him a smile.

"I also got a surprise." Fu added.

"What is it?" Aiko asked.

"Well.... I managed to save that slayer that looked like Asano, Tomioka Giyu-san. He got injured while fighting a demon so I came to aid him. He did saw me but, that's all." Fu answered.

"Now I remember. I once saw a certain someone back then who wears a white mask with red motifs that helped me defeat a demon. That person's wearing a black cloak, a yellow yukata, and black hakama pants instead of the demon slayer uniform yet that person wields a nichirin blade." Giyu said remembering what happened back then.

"Why didn't you talk to him?" Kanae asked.

"I was about to when he vanished right after defeating the demon." Giyu answered.

"That's such a relief then! Oh, how I wish you two could meet them all." Aiko replied placing a hand on her cheek.

And just as their scene changed again. They saw Kazumi in another forest following an assassin. As they came to a halt, she saw a group of slayers and one of them has a yellow hair with red streakes.

"Look! It's me!" Kyojuro enthusiastically pointed at his younger self.

'Just to think of it. It has been more than four months since I saw one of them.'

And the usual, the two assassins watched at how the slayers scattered theirselves to search for a demon. She watched at how that certain slayer with a yellow hair and red streakes fight against a demon. She wrote down his movements and his breathing like what she always does to the previous slayers. Right after the fight, the assassin took out a gun and aimed it at the slayer. She then knocked him out before he could pull the trigger.

"Is someone there?" The slayer asked looking behind him.

'Yellow hair with red streaks, yellow eyes with red irides, and a flame shaped sword guard.... Rengoku Kyojuro-san.'

With that, she immediately left to see the other slayers and save some of them too. Since the night's still long, she decided to go further not expecting to encounter another one. As she follow the sounds of the blades clashing, it led her to another forest. There she saw two ladies, one fighting a demon while the other fighting an assassin.

"Nee-san! Just who is this guy?!" The shorter one asked.

"They must be the assassins Oyakata-sama warned us about." The taller one answered as she finish the demon just to face another assassin who showed up.

'Those butterfly hairpins, I see.... they're Aiko-san's little sisters. Kocho Kanae-san and Kocho Shinobu-san.'

Kazumi looked around just to see another asssassin behind the shorter one, which is Shinobu.

"Shinobu-chan!" The taller one, which is Kanae, called out as she saw an incoming  kunai aimed at her sister from behind.

The kunai didn't reach Shinobu as another one out of nowhere countered it making the two hit the ground and the tree.

"So she was.... the one who did that." Kanae muttered out.

The assassin who threw the kunai soon fell from the tree branch lifeless with his neck broken. Shortly, the other assassin who Shinobu was facing fell on the ground too with a poisoned senbon needle stuck on his nape. The same happened to another one. All three of the assassins were down but the sisters stayed alert.

"Come out whoever you are!" Shinobu called out looking around holding her sword.

Kazumi stayed hidden as she watched them.
'Sorry but.... no.'

They calmed down a bit seeing no one as they follow their crow to their next mission.

"Ara~, so she was the one who saved us. How wonderful!" Kanae praised as she smile.

Shinobu then stayed silent as a thin line formed on her lips instead of a smile. Her fists clenching unnoticed by the others.

Now, Kazumi's back again to Aiko's room as she came back just before sunrise.

"Aiko-san, I saw your younger sisters." She informed her.

"Really? How are they now?" Aiko asked instantly.

"They're good and doing fine. The older one's already a Pillar." Kazumi answered.

Aiko sighed as a smile of satisfaction showed on her face.

"I'm so glad. Kanae-chan's already a Pillar, seems like she took my place after I got abducted."

"Is there something that you want?" Kazumi asked.


"I mean.... I could go out even during daytime now." Kazumi answered.

"Let me see.... some sakura mochis I guess." Aiko answered as she lift up her right index finger.


By the time Kazumi, Fu, and Take sneaked out of the hideout to train at their usual spot, Kazumi walked the other way.

"Where you going?" Fu asked.

"I have to buy something for Aiko-san. I'll be right back." Kazumi answered as she ran away, Take following her.

     She then arrived at a village. She still wears her cloak and mask as she walk amongst the crowd to go somewhere. After a while, she arrived at a certain place.

"Look! It's my home!" Mitsuri exclaimed as she happily look at the restaurant.

Kazumi entered as she order some sakura mochis. While waiting, she saw a girl with a pink hair styled in three braids fading to green that matches her green eyes approach her.

"Hello! Seems like you're new here!" The girl greeted.

"I.... am." Kazumi replied.

"I'm really curious how you look like behind that mask but.... I bet you look cute!" She complimented.

"Thank you.... you too. Your hair color's beautiful." Kazumi complimented back that made Mitsuri blush.

"Mitsuri-chan, don't bother her while waiting for her order." A woman gently said.

"I'm just talking with her mother!" Mitsuri replied.
"I'll be back to serve your order!"

'Kanroji Mitsuri-san.... guess she's right. This one's quite cheerful too.'

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