Chapter 109: Flowers and Insect

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Their scene changed again as they watch the three sneak out of the hideout in daytime with Take. As they were outside, Kazumi held him carefully as he stayed still for his injury's still not yet fully healed.

"Do you like being back outside?" Kazumi asked as they went to the same place where they train.

"It feels nice to have some fresh air again." Take answered.

"I'll leave you here for a while.... we're going to train." Kazumi said as she gently put him down under a tree.

He watched them as they gather and train.

"Hmm, I bet this bird's slow after getting shot." Muichiro said looking at Take.

"Don't say that. He's fast to be honest." Yuichiro replied.
"But of course he's injured so he's not flying yet."

"Tokito, I suggest you don't make the same mistake as Iguro and I did." Sanemi said.
"Or do you wanna end up getting wronged."

Muichiro then remembered how these two underestimated and challenged Ringo just to end up being knocked down, he shortly gulped.

"Yeah." Muichiro muttered out.

"You two are doing well. Just focus a bit more." Kazumi said as she look at them.

Take then tried stretching his wings as he felt the pain in an instant.

"It has only been weeks after we mended your wounds. Don't force yourself." Kazumi said suddenly appearing beside him.

Take was obviously shocked looking at her.

"Sorry for surprising you." Kazumi apologized as he pat his head.

Their scene changed again as they saw that it's night time and now Asano and Fu are lying down the grass, while Kazumi's holding Take.

"Finally.... after more than two weeks of training.... we mastered it." Fu said as he look at the night sky.

"Yeah. Although it hurts so much inside." Asano replied.

"Well, this is better than being whipped on the back." Fu said as he remember being whipped on the back after trying to sneak out some food from the kitchen back then.

"Let's go!" Asano jolted up from his position.

"To where?" Fu asked.

"Aiko-san! Since we're finished mastering Total Concentration: Constant, let's ask her for more!" Asano answered as drag the two back to the hideout.

Upon entering Aiko's room, they saw her playing with the children. As she look at them, she was shocked seeing what Kazumi's holding.

"Ka-Kazumi-chan.... that...." Aiko said looking at the owl.

"This is Take, my friend. He's injured so he's still staying with us." Kazumi replied.

"I.... see."

"Aiko-san! Is there more?! We finished the Total Concentration: Constant already!" Asano asked.

"Don't be loud." Fu said smacking the back of his head a little.

"Hmm.... then I'll just teach you guys a breathing style now." Aiko answered.
"Since I could use two breath styles, I'll teach it to the three of you."

"What's that then?" Asano asked tilting his head.

"Insect Breathing and Flower Breathing. Flower Breathing is derived from Water Breathing, while Insect Breathing is derived from Flower Breathing." Aiko answered.

"Though this two sounds girlish and are only for females.... we'll try!" Asano said as he snap his head to Fu.

Fu just sighed as he nodded. He then looked back and noticed Kazumi's not there anymore. As he heard the giggles of the children, he looked back in front to see Kazumi playing with the triplets placed in their cribs at the other side of Aiko's bed.

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