Chapter 45: A Gift or a Threat

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After seeing Kazumi's spot covered and enveloped by his needles, he slowly put his arms down as he fell on his knees panting.

'I'm.... hah.... hah.... hah.... I'm exhausted.'
He stated in his mind as he catch his breath.

He looked again and moved his hands to see if she's dead on the spot. As the needles go back underground, his eyes widened. There's no one at the spot and not even a drop of blood can be seen. He gritted his teeth out of anger and his hands balled into fists.

"Seems like you used a lot of your energy for that performance."

He instantly jumped away right after hearing the voice from behind him. There he could clearly see Kazumi, alive and unscathed from his attack. He soon put both his hands on the ground and needles erupted from Kazumi's spot again.

"Stop it.... stop.... JUST STOP AND DIE!!!"

"You first."

Kazumi dashed forward and slashed every needle that comes in front of her. As she reach Tetsuko, he didn't have time to react at all. She moved her sword as she pass by him and a sound was heard as his head fell on the ground and roll beside her feet. She picked the head up and looked him in the eye.

"You never changed, you still hated me with passion. I'm sorry."

'Why is she.... apologizing?.... Isn't she suppose to hate me too?.... I hated her from the very beginning so why is she apologizing to me?!'
He thought as her words of apology kept ringing in his head.

"Kazumi.... after all this time.... where do you think are you going when you die?" Tetsuko asked as his body slowly disintegrates.

"Hell of course! That's why don't worry, let's see each other in hell again, Tetsuko." Kazumi answered with a smile as the head of the latter slowly disintegrated on her palms.

"I.... see." Tetsuko replied before completely disappearing.

The needles that were scattered around turned into ashes and disintegrated along with him. She sat under the huge tree just beside her and opened her bento box. She saw the foods in it and clasped her hands in a praying position.

"Thank you for the food."

She then started to eat with her chopsticks. Only the sound of the crickets around can be heard and the wind passing by the leaves and bushes.

'Again, I have to kill those whom I thought as a friend.... No.... again, I have to kill a friend.'
Kazumi thought as she chew on her food silently.
'I wonder, will the same thing happen to me? Am I going to get killed by my friends too?'

As she finish her food, she looked up the moon smiling. She slowly walked out of the forest to her next mission.

'I guess that could happen.'

[At the ruins....]

A man is seen kneeling inside a destroyed building. It's surrounded by its broken parts and huge rubbles. The man is facing the darkest part of the broken building.

"I see. First Naruki and now Tetsuko, none of those two could even fulfill their assigned duties. Useless!" A voice uttered with irritation from the dark.

"My lord, please calm down. Even if none of them managed to bring her back here, at least we already know her location. As they say, patience is the key to success." The man kneeling on the ground replied.

"You sound as if you got a plan, spill it."

"My lord, let us wait some more and let my plan be a surprise to you. I'll make all of those Pillars she look up to as her friends all flip the table in front of her."

"I'll give you the time that you wanted then, make sure this plan of yours succeed. Because if not, I'll make sure to bury you alive!"

"Rest assured, my lord." The man slowly stood up from his spot before turning his back and walk away.

As he got out, he saw another man waiting for him outside sitting on a huge rubble. He folded his blue parasol as he jumped down.

"So, how did it go?" The man with a parasol asked.

"Tetsuko failed." The other replied sighing.
"Thankfully, our lord gave me the time I needed for my plan."

"Hey hey, come on, are you trying to leave me behind?"

"Of course you're in this plan too. We just have to be patient before doing it."

"Then, what gift are we going to give her next?"

There's only three days left before the upcoming birthday celebration of the young master. She's now walking back home. As she walk back home, she saw Mitsuri, Obanai, and Giyu on their way to her place.

"Good morning to you three!" She cheerfully greeted them.

"Waaah~ Kazumi-chan!"

Mitsuri jogged towards Kazumi giving her a hug. She's really happy to see her little-sister-figure/ friend again.

'I wish I'm Kazumi.'
Obanai thought watching Mitsuri hug the other girl.

"Let's go!" Mitsuri said.

She held Kazumi's hand and dragged her to walk with them until they reached her place. As they made their way to the entrance, they saw a flower arrangement stand beside the door. Kazumi just hummed seeing this still with her smile but Mitsuri's face was shocked and speechless, Giyu's eyes widened, and Obanai's eyes narrowed. The way the flowers were arranged was for a funeral. As they got closer to read the name written on the sash, they read Kazumi's name. The three got angry and Kazumi could clearly hear it and see it on their faces.

"The hell is this?" Obanai hissed and even Kaburamaru reacted by hissing.

"Come on guys—"

"This is not a good joke at all Kazumi-chan!" Mitsuri cutted her.

Giyu remained silent as he pull the sashes and tear them all, Obanai helped him destroy the flowers.

"Wel—" Ringo was cut on greeting her master when she saw what the two men were doing.

"Oh! Good morning Ringo-san!" Kazumi greeted.

"I'm really sorry Master! I didn't know someone left that!" Ringo instantly apologized slightly bowing down.

"There's no need to apologize Ringo-san, it's not your fault at all."

The three soon went in and Kazumi calmed them down since they might scare the children with the expressions on their faces.

"Just who would even do something like that?!" Mitsuri exclaimed as they all enter the living room.

"Please calm down now Mitsuri-nee. Besides, I'm not affected at all." Kazumi said calmly.

"Are you kidding me?! Those are flowers displayed for funerals and your name's written on the sash." Obanai said, a tick mark appearing on the side of his forehead.

"That only means the one who sent you that wanted you dead." Giyu said with an annoyed tone.

"Please please.... it's just a gift. And I could protect myself."

"No! I'll stay with you Kazumi-chan! I won't let whoever sent you that gift to hurt nor touch you!" Mitsuri said hugging her.

"Mi-Mitsuri-nee.... you're squishing me."

"Eh?! I-I'm sorry!" Mitsuri apologized letting her go instantly.

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