Chapter 87: A Twist of Fate

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The cover pic/art for this chapter is made by me, you may now use holy water for your eyes🤣🤣🤣

Inosuke stood there beside Tanjiro amazed as he also watch Kyojuro and Akaza exchanging blows with each other. As they kept on going, thick clouds of dusts slowly made their vision a blur. The two remained still.

"Don't you dare die on me, Kyojuro." Akaza said.

As the dusts cleared, Kyojuro is seen heavily wounded and injured. The left part of his forehead is bleeding, his left eye got crushed, his right cheek is bleeding, and blood is making its way out of his mouth. He's panting as he look at his enemy.

"Master, it'll be better if you don't interfere. The Flame Pillar's already wounded. If you go there, that demon might kill you too." Take said in a worried tone while sitting on Kazumi's right shoulder.

'As expected from an upper moon. One is not enough for them.'
Kazumi thought as she remained calm and held Taro who managed to stop trembling already.

'Rengoku.... Rengoku.... Rengoku-san!'
Tanjiro called in his mind staring at Kyojuro's back.

'There's no opening, I can't get in. I can't keep up with their movements. It's like they're in another dimension. I feel it. If I get too close, there is only death. I know that if I go in to help, I'll only get in the way.'
Inosuke thought as his own body trembles while holding his swords.

"No matter how desperately you fight, Kyojuro, it's all useless. That wonderful cut you made has already healed completely." Akaza said as he points at his own chest regenerating.
"But what about you? Your left eye is crushed. Your ribs are broken. You're bleeding inside. Those are serious wounds. If you were a demon, you would heal in the blink of an eye. To a demon, these are just scratches. No matter how hard they struggle, humans cannot defeat demons."

Tanjiro struggled to get up as he held on his wound. His body trembling as he move.

'My limbs have no strength. It may be because I'm wounded, but this happens when I use Hinokami Kagura. Even though I want to help.'
Tanjiro thought as he still try his best to stand up.

"Taro, go back to the estate and call for Fuji-san and Kai-san. Tell them to take one of the passengers back to my estate, the one with tuberculosis." Kazumi instructed.

Althought he's worried about his Master he looked at Take, he gave him a nod as Taro flew away knowing Take is with her.

'Please, Kazumi-chan, I hope you come back with everyone of them alive.'

Kazumi remembered Kagaya's words. Those words kept on ringing in her head as she look at Kyojuro who's heavily wounded. She didn't have any reaction, she remained calm throughout the whole fight she's watching.

'I'm sorry Kagaya-san....'

"No matter what! I will fulfill my duty! I won't let anyone here die!" Kyojuro said as he lifted up his sword and readied a fighting stance.

'In an instant, I will slash up a broad area! Flame Breathing, Esoteric Art!'
Kyojuro thought as he grip on his katana tightly.

"Such fighting spirit! Even with those wounds you're full of determination and spiritual fortitude! Your stance has no weakness!" Akaza praised.
"You really should become a demon Kyojuro! Then you could fight me forever!" He knelt down on one knee.

'Technique Development. Destructive Death: Annihilation Type!'

'Ninth form: Purgatory(Rengoku)!'

The two charged at each other in full speed and strength at once. Inosuke and Tanjiro who remained still as they watch gasp at their movement. Thicker clouds of dusts covered their sight.

'Did he stop?! I can't see through the dust! Rengoku-san! Rengoku-san!'
Tanjiro called in his mind as he kept his eyes to the spot where he knew Kyojuro and Akaza are.

"Rengoku-san!" He called.

"Die! You're finished Kyojuro! Give in! Say you'll become a demon! You're one of the chosen strong ones!" Akaza exclaimed still trying to convince Kyojuro to become a demon.

Drip.... drip....

Blood dripped on the ground. As the dusts cleared, Tanjiro saw them. But instead of Kyojuro and Akaza only, there's another one.

Tanjiro exclaimed in his mind out of shock.

Akaza's arm in which he was supposed to use to pierce through Kyojuro's abdomen was cut. Kyojuro stood there stunned as he held his blade up and realized who was the person who stopped Akaza.

'What?! Another slayer?! Where did this brat came from?!'
Akaza asked himself as his eyes widened in anger towards Kazumi who's looking down.

Akaza's arm instantly healed and attempted to punch them, but Kazumi grabbed Kyojuro's collar from behind and instantly, the both of them are already in front of Tanjiro and Inosuke.

"Brat! How dare you interfere with my fight!" Akaza angrily said tightening his fists yet, he managed to calm down.

'This kid.... how come this kid doesn't have any fighting spirit?!'

"Sorry but, I've seen enough of your fight." Kazumi calmly replied smiling at him.

'I didn't even notice her.'
Kyojuro thought still stunned at what happened.

Right after her words, Tanjiro managed to get up and grab his sword. Akaza noticed the sun rising at the horizon, he sprinted to the forest. But Tanjiro ran towards his position and managed to throw his own sword at him. His sword managed to reach Akaza and impale his chest from the back. As this happened, Kazumi also sprinted into the forest.

"Wait! Kazumi!" Kyojuro said as he reach for the end of Kazumi's haori to try to stop her.

Unfortunately, he didn't even managed to touch it. In a blink of an eye, Kazumi's already gone in front of him.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING COWARD?!" Tanjiro yelled.

'What is that brat talking about? Doesn't he have any brains in his head? I'm not running away from you slayers- I'm running away from the sun!'
Akaza thought looking back at Tanjiro.
'Besides, if that another brat didn't interfere, I would've pierced his body! I would've won the fight if that brat didn't come!'

'Great! Now he could leave a blood trail.'
Kazumi thought as she watch him run away while she jumped from the ground then up to a tree branch.

As Akaza run in order to escape the sunlight, he looked at his surroundings. He's already far from the train yet, as he landed on the ground from a tree branch, he was surprised to see someone land in front of him from above.


"Hello there.... Akaza-san."

The slayer who cut his arm to prevent him from impaling Kyojuro is right in front of him. He wanted to fight the slayer but he knew he have to hide from the sun now.

"Don't get in my way, brat!"

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