Chapter 60: Frost Estate

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Tetsuya and his sons are on their way to Kazumi's estate. They followed what she said, they went to the Ubuyashiki Estate first with permission and thankfully, he really did gave Kazumi's address. Now, they're currently following a crow with a purple ribbon around its neck to her place.

"Here we are! The Frost Estate, caaaw!" The crow announced as they stop in front of a certain place.

It has a short staircase before reaching the gate. They unmounted their horses while Toshino and Touya came down the cart. They placed their horses aside and their one servant accompanying them handled the cart.

"You can wait for us here." Tetsuya ordered to his servant.

The servant only nodded as a reply as he watch his masters approach the gate.

"Excuse me, is anybody there?" Tetsuya called out nervously as he knock on the gate thrice.

The gates soon opened as a person wearing a black uniform with a mask covering his lower part of the face appeared. He looked at them before slightly bowing down.

"I'm Uyeda, a kakushi assigned here. What can I do for you?" He asked looking at them.

"I'm Midorime Tetsuya, we're here to visit Kazumi-chan." Tetsuya said slightly bowing to the so called kakushi.

"Oh, you mean Kazumi-sama? She's still out for a mission but please come in."

They all accepted his offer and went in. They soon went inside the estate too and saw another woman, she has an orange hair tied in a high bun and merigold colored pupil less eyes, she wears a plain white kimono and red hakama pants.

"Uyeda-san, who are they?" Ringo asked walking towards them.

"They're Kazumi-sama's visitors. She's still not yet here so I invited them in." Uyeda answered.

"Good morning, my name's Midorime Tetsuya. Me and my family came here to visit Kazumi-chan." Tetsuya greeted feeling nervous at Ringo's serious expression.

"I'm Ringo. Please follow me to the living room." Ringo replied leading them to the living room.

As they walk on the veranda of the estate, they saw children playing around and running outside the garden.

"Ara~, such energetic and cute children you have here Ringo-san." Toshino said deciding to start a conversation.

"Thank you. They really are energetic and they're very helpful too." Ringo replied.

They soon stopped and Ringo opened the doors of the living room for them to come in. They all sat down as another woman came, she has a black hair tied in a side braid placed on her right shoulder, blue eyes, and wears a blue kimono with a cream colored obi.

"Here's your tea." She said as she place the tray down their table.

"Thank you." Toshino replied.

"I'm Mei, don't worry, Kazumi-sama might be on her way back now." Mei added reassuring them.

"Yes, it has been four days since she went out on her mission so she's definitely on her way back now." Ringo added and slightly bowed her head with Mei.

"Please excuse us for a while, we still have patients to check." Mei said as her and Ringo walked out of the living room.

The family stayed in there as they drink their tea and admire the garden outside. They could see the children playing and running around there.

"Her place is very lively, even the garden's beautiful isn't it father!" Touya said in a cheerful manner.

"Don't tell me you wanna go out and play with them." Shu stated facepalming himself.

".... Well..." Touya looked away.

"Go and play with them if you like to." Toshino said giving her son permission.

Touya instatnly smiled from ear to ear as he jolt up from his sitting position and ran outside to join the other children. The rest happily watched before Touya called for his two older-brothers, Shu and Suzuki and drag them to play with him and the others.

"Just look at those two playing with the kids." Tomoe commented watching Shu and Suzuki running around with the children and laughing with them.
"Even Shu who is pretty stoic but looks childish now."

The couple chuckled at their eldest son's statement.

"I heard that!" Shu said popping out from beside the door.

Tomoe gulped as he slowly stand up and tried to walk away when someone grabbed his collar from behind.

"Childish huh? Join us then!" Shu said dragging Tomoe outside.

Tomoe looked at his parents for help to stop his brother but his parents just smiled at him and sipped their tea.

'Just awhile ago they're on my side.... NOW THEY AREN'T EVEN HELPING ME!!!'
Tomoe exclaimed in his mind as he let Shu drag him out to the garden.

They all watched the children playing until noon.

"Children, lunch is ready!" Mei called out.

The children started running towards the dining room while dragging the four brothers with them.

"It's time to eat Midorime-san." Ringo said calling the couple.

They all gathered in the dining room and sat there together to have lunch.

"What's the reason you and your family came here Suzuki-nii?" Otaru asked.

"We came here to visit Kazumi-chan." Suzuki answered.

"Nii-sama? Do you need medicine?" Shizuko asked looking at each of them.

"No, we don't. Besides, why would she give us a medicine? Is she a patient here too or a helper?" Shu answered as he continue to chew his food.

'Calm down Ringo, calm down. They don't know so just calm down.'
Ringo thought as she slowly take a deep breath and continue on her food.

"No of course not. Kazumi-sama owns this place so why would she be a helper here?" Mei simply explained.

"And please beware of your words about her or aunt Ringo might throw you out." Nahori warned as she look at Ringo silently eating.

Shu and Suzuki gulped and sweatdropped hearing their words.

'Thank you for the late warning.'
Shu thought while chewing his food.

After lunch, the couple decided to stay at the same living room while the children continued to play with their sons. Ringo soon arrived and sat down with them.

"If I may, could you please tell me exactly why are you here?" Ringo asked relaxing herself.

"You see.... it might be hard to believe but.... I'm Kazumi-chan's...." Tetsuya answered hesitantly.

"Father?" Ringo finished.

Tetsuya only nodded as they are now facing each other and sitting beside him is Toshino.

"Kazumi-sama told me her mother's already dead. So please explain what's going on now." Ringo said narrowing her eyes for a bit at them.

"You see.... Toshino here is my first wife, while Kazumi-chan's mother, Miyuki, was my second wife." Tetsuya explained.

"If her mother's your second wife, does that mean those four are her half-brothers?"

"Yes they are."

"Then tell me how did it ended up like this."

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