Chapter 106: Test

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As the scene changed again, they're now inside the training room. They saw Asano having a hand-to-hand combat with Kazumi. His moves are quick and strong for his age. He sent a punch and a flying kick at Kazumi which she all blocked with her arms.

"You're really getting stronger! Now charge at me!" Asano praised.

Kazumi dashed towards him which made Asano's eyes widen as he was soon swept off his feet by Kazumi sliding her right foot across his feet that made him fall down the floor with his back.

"Sorry." Kazumi said.

"No, it's alright." Asano replied as he get up.

"She has improved a lot. We still got three days left before Hibiki tests us." Fu informed them.

They watched as the children train with their all for this so called 'test' that Hibiki would give them.

"They're really terrifying for their age." Tengen said as he watch Fu and Kazumi shoot both their targets in the center with a gun.

"But to kill at this age.... is far more horrifying. They're all being trained to murder." Kanae stated looking sadly at them.

"That being said.... Kazumi-sama's only five." Yuichiro replied.

Their scene changed again. Hibiki's now inside the room with five unknown men. They're all tall and muscular, their mucles bulging as they move. They all walked on the cement stage in the center as the children stand aside.

"Now everyone, listen here. Since I don't want sending such failures out and ruin my plans, I have here some men for our test today." He announced.
"Everyone of you will be facing them one by one. Those who die then die. Those who get injured, I don't care. You'll be considered to pass once you take your opponent down or best, kill them. This men here aren't simple ones. They're all murderers who killed their victims bare handedly."

"Is he serious?" Asano whispered.
"They're monsters!"

"Asano. Better not get your voice loud enough for him to hear or you're dead in no time." Fu whispered back to him.

Asano just gulped down whilst Kazumi stayed silent having no reaction at all.

'Then, that means all of them have superhuman strength.'

Hibiki and four of the men stepped down the platform as one man remained. They all watched as that man managed to kill the first three children who walked up to him by breaking their necks. Cold beads of sweat formed on the faces of Inosuke, Zenitsu, Tanjiro and Mitsuri. While anger is plastered on the rest.

Finally, Tetsuko stepped up the platform. The man charged at him but he dodged it be running to the other side before revealing his hand holding three poisoned senbon needles. He threw all three of the needles, the one hit his right arm, then his back, and finally his neck. The man shortly fell down the ground having a hard time to breathe.

"Hibiki-sama, I passed did I?" Tetsuko asked looking at Hibiki.

Hibiki just gave him a nod. The man was soon taken out of the platform and was put aside as another one stepped up. The same happened, his total kill were six children lifting them up before smashing them down the ground head first, while he injured four children breaking their arms and feet before being replaced again.

This went on and on. Most of the children ending up dead or badly injured as Hibiki watched with satisfaction on his face. Some children managed to pass taking down their opponent or killing the man they're facing.

Naruki won by holding the man down and preventing him from getting up for ten seconds. Fu won after luring the man he was facing out of the platform before shooting him with his gun. Asano won after throwing his daggers at the man he was facing hitting his head and neck as he charge towards him. A total of three men are already dead.

Another man stepped on the platform as he was taken down by four children, each of them held him down while the last one shot him in the head. Now there are four, only one left. But this one is different. He got thicker and heavier handcuffs around his wrists than the previous men, wearing a brown half-cloak with a hood covering his upper body and face. Even Tetsuko already have beads of cold sweat just by looking at him.

"His scent.... he's on a different level than the previous men." Tanjiro said.

They all agreed with him nodding their heads before looking at Kazumi.

"To think that these children died in such a way. What a devil Hibiki really was." Gyomei said as he glare at Hibiki who's watching.

The servant standing beside Hibiki then used a key to unlock the thick, heavy handcuffs. He then grab his cloak and took it off putting it down the floor. His aura alone tells them he's a very dangerous man.

"This one here has the most murdered people. And I purposedly let him be the last one since he's the strongest of them all." Hibiki said.

All the children there trembled and sweat coldly. Even Tetsuko and especially, Naruki. Asano and Fu then looked at Kazumi who remained still. Not showing any kind of reactions, neither fear nor excitement. As the man walked up the platform, he grabbed a part of it from the side before he crash it turning it into complete dust.

"THAT'S INSANE! HE'S NOT HUMAN! HE'S A DEMON! A DEMON!!!" Zenitsu freaked out hiding behind Tanjiro.

"Such strength. To think he's able to do such a thing." Kyojuro muttered out with his arms cross.

None of the children dared come up the stage. The man just sat down there waiting for anyone brave enough to come up.

"*sigh*.... Since no one's coming up then I'll choose." Hibiki looked at Kazumi as he smile sadistically.
"I choose you my dear, lab rat. Go on and face him."

They all tensed up. Fu and Asano then snapped their heads to his direction as the both of them glare at him.

"You two already killed two men. It's the lab rat's turn." Hibiki said.

Kazumi then walked towards the platform as she step up of the small wooden stairs and now up the stage. The man then looked at her before getting up.

"Are you sure about this Hibiki-sama? This kid?" The man asked with his deep voice echoing in the whole room.

"Yes. Just fight her with all you've got. I don't care if she got squished there like an animal." Hibiki answered.

"I swear, if only I met that man I'll torture him day and night." Fuji said as she glare daggers at Hibiki.

The man soon looked at Kazumi who's wearing a black hooded cloak not moving from her spot. He then cracked his knuckles.

"Come on here and let me crush your bones." He said as he reach his hand out.

Kazumi then dashed towards him and in just a second, blood spurted out of his neck as he fell on his knees then on the platform. Blood kept on oozing out of his neck as Kazumi stood there looking at him.

'Ah.... you're too full of yourself you got killed so fast.'

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