Kano Oneshot: ...In My Next Life...

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Alright so.... hello everyone. Since I've been such a cruel author and killed Kano and Haruna while not giving them enough show offs, here. I made a one shot for Kano. And maybe I'll make one for Haruna too.

Piggy🐷: You should be or I'll kill you. Finish this and make one for Haruna!

Author: *gulps*

After the final selection, Kano and Haruna are now official slayers. All they have to do now is to wait for their swords in order to be able to take on their first mission. When a sudden thought came into Kano's mind.

"Nii-sama!" He called.

"What is it?"

"Nii-sama, could you take me to Genya's place? I wanna visit him. I don't know the way to get there." Kano asked.


As Kano and Kazumi walk towards a forest, they heard some gun shots. As they came closer, they saw Genya hitting the wooden targets with his gun. He's too focused he didn't notice Kano ran up to him. Kano patted his back.


"Good day Genya!" Kano greeted cutting Genya's words.

Genya was surprised he stared at him for a while.

"Remember me? From the final selection?" Kano asked.

"Of course I do.... I just didn't expect you to be here. How do you even know this place?"

"Nii-sama's with me!"

Genya then looked to the side and saw Kazumi wave a hand at him.


"Not by blood though, but yes! We are!" Kano answered happily.

The two spent the day training together. Kazumi even have to go back to the estate then to them holding a basket of ohagi. The two new friends enjoyed it.

"Bye! See you again Genya!" Kano said waving his hand.


As Kazumi and Kano made it back to the estate, Haruna walked towards them.

"Where did the two of you go?" Haruna asked.

"We just visited Kano-kun's new friend." Kazumi answered.

Kano soon told Haruna how his day went and how him and Genya met.

"Wow! He uses a gun instead of a sword! Then.... it's like using a bow and an arrow."

"Amazing right?! He may not be able to use breaths but he could eat other demons and use their abilities!"

The two chatted and had a short training until sunset.

"You two! It's time for dinner!" Nahori called.

The two ran towards the dining room and took their own seats.

"Come on! How many times do I have to remind the both of you?! Take a shower first!" Nahori nagged getting mad at them.

"Yeah, sorry." Haruna said.

"Then help me wash my back gorilla!" Kano said pointing a thumb at himself.

An irk mark then showed on Nahori's forehead. She soon chase him around the estate.

"He never change does he?" Haruna muttered out sweatdropping as she watch Kano being chased by Nahori.

After dinner, Nahori's sitting on the bench outside in the middle of the garden. As she sit there, she heard someone coming.

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