Chapter 75: Mercy

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As the lady in her mid-thirties stood there holding a lantern with a guard, the doors behind them closed. They jolted up in surprise and yet they saw no one. It couldn't be the wind since there is no single window in the room. Shortly, candles lighted up one by one. This scared the two.

"P-Please I beg of you mistress, please spare us.... we-we'll bring an even more petite child if that's what you want." The lady pleaded as beads of sweat roll down her forehead.

"Unfortunately, that demon's already dead."

The both of them stumbled back and saw a person sitting on the couch looking at them while holding a sword.

"Who are you?! Where is the mistress?!" The lady asked holding the lantern tightly.

"A slayer. But seems like you wouldn't repent at any time for what you've done so...." Kazumi stood up from the couch and walked towards her.
".... shall I let you follow that demon you serve?" She continued pointing her blade at the lady's neck while smiling.

The lady fell on her knees and so did the lamp. As the guard was about to grab Kazumi, she slit his throat making him fall on the floor.

"Y-You.... what do you think you're doing?" The lady asked shivering in fear.
"Don't you know I could just tell the authorities to arrest you?!"

"Arrest me? You'll be in hell before that happens." Kazumi answered inching her sword closer to her neck.

"Please.... please have mercy.... please...." the lady pleaded crying as her hands were clasped together.

"Mercy.... do you even know what that is?"

Right after her words, she did a quick slit on her throat and walked past by the lady before the blood even spray to her clothes. As she got out of the room, a man with a blonde hair bowed slightly to her and looked up. She still have her smile.

"I'll let you handle the mess Aoki-san." She said.

"Yes Master, and if you please, may I?"

Kazumi then looked at the unconscious man she hit behind Aoki. She just nodded in response.

"And also one more thing Master."

"What is it?"

"If you may, please give me permission to handle this orphanage from now on." Aoki said.

"Of course, I'd love that! Thank you! I thought I'm going to take care of them." Kazumi answered cheerfully.

"I don't want to see you stressing yourself even more Master. Please let me take care of these children."

Aoki smiled brightly before going in the room dragging the unconscious man behind him. Kazumi walked to the halls of the orphanage and saw some medics called by Aoki taking care of the children downstairs mending their wounds, scratches and bruises.

She then walked out.

"You may come out now." She called.

And the boy whom she left to hide showed himself and she led him back.

"What happened?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, everyone's safe now." Kazumi answered reassuring him.

As they reach the entrance, he saw a blonde man with blue eyes standing there.

"This is my friend, Aoki-san." Kazumi said.

"Don't worry young man, I'll be taking care of you and everyone else. My Master here has ended the life of that monster." Aoki stated.

The boy's eyes lighted up in hope and surprise. Instead of fear, he felt warmth towards Kazumi and Aoki, his guts telling him he could trust them. He soon bursted into tears of joy and hugged Kazumi beside him.

"Thank you! Thank you for saving us!" He cried.

Kazumi hugged him back and patted his back.

"Don't worry and besides, I'll make sure those friends of yours who were turned into slaves would come back here with Aoki-san's help." Kazumi replied looking at Aoki.

Aoki just smiled and nodded before walking closer to the boy too and patted his head. The boy shortly hugged him too while Aoki hugged him back.

Right after that, all the children gave their respects and gratitude towards Kazumi by bowing down. Thanking her for ending their misery in the orphanage. She just smiled at them and reassured them that they could trust Aoki. Most of the children there were just younger for a year or two than her while the rest were older.

"I have to leave now. Take care of them. I'll also send Fuji-san and Kai-san here later, this village is in a complete mess." Kazumi said in a calm tone, her smile not faltering.

Aoki knew the meaning behind those words as he smile at her too.

"I will Master, rest assured that these children will sooner or later find a loving home and family. And for Kai-san and Fuji-san, I'll wait for them." Aoki replied.

Shortly, Kazumi just gave him a slight pat on the shoulder before walking away. Until Aoki grabbed her shoulder gently.

"This might sound childish but.... um...." Aoki stuttered while blushing.

Kazumi just chuckled before jumping up and hugging him. Aoki got surprised but he didn't hesitate to hug back. Kazumi rubbed circles on his back as he smile widely.

"Is this what you wanna ask?"

He just nodded as he hug her tighter.

'Master really feels so warm!'
He mentally praised feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

Shortly, Kazumi walked away leaving him at the orphanage. Take and Taro then landed on her head and shoulder. Taro being as talkative and noisy as he is and Take not minding him. But soon, the both of them started bickering.... like the usual.

"Say what you noisy crow?!"

"I said you're bossy and has done nothing but to ignore me!"

"That's cause you're too talkative!"

"Is it?! Or it's just that you can't say anything or think of any topic?!"

"Why you...."

They started to grab each others feather by their beaks.

"Come on you two, stop it." Kazumi said trying to stop them.

"I'll pull every single feather you have damn crow!"

"I dare you! I'll gouge your eyes out you loner owl!"

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