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So here! I made a music video as a tribute for my OC ship that I myself broke. Sorry can't help it😅😅😅

Piggy🐷: I like them for each other but you let it sank trashy Author!!!!

Author🕵️‍♂️: I already said I'm sorry.

Piggy🐷: Because of you they got a sad one! They have the saddest love story in this fanfic of yours! Damn you! Who agrees with me?!

Author🕵️‍♂️: Please don't cause a commotion here.*counting the ones who agrees with Piggy*
Hah! Seems like no one does.

Piggy🐷: *glaring daggers at Author-san* I'll eat you human.

Author🕵️‍♂️: *runs away to hide somewhere*

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