Chapter 58: Old Servants or New Ones?

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Two figures are seen walking in the streets of a certain village covered with a hooded black cloak. Soon, a blonde haired individual wearing a white tuxedo and black coat, white pants, black loafers, and white fedora hat joined them. His eyes shadowed by his hat and has a cane with him as he walk alongside the two figures.

"How's the trip you two?" The blonde asked.

"Fine as usual. We managed to deliver them all." The taller one answered.

The other one stayed silent as the blonde just received a nod from that person. They all stopped outside a restaurant as they all walked in and ordered some food. They all sat down to an empty spot near the entrance.

"We're glad that you're doing well. Thanks for the treat tonight." The taller man said pulling down his hood.

He has a long, dark-brown hair underneath his cloak, the upper part of his hair tied in a ponytail while the lower part is loose, and his yellow eyes looking at the blonde.

The other one soon did the same thing revealing her black hair tied in a low bun wrapped with clothe and brown eyes. She gave out a sigh before drinking the water in front of her placed on the table.

"It's been so long isn't it, Kai-san and Fuji-san?!" The blonde exclaimed in a cheerful manner taking off his hat revealing his blue colored eyes.

"Don't say it as if it has been that long." Fuji, the one with a black hair said.

"She's quite right, we just met five years ago." Kai, the one with a dark-brown hair agreed.

"Even so, that's still long. Five years straight of no contact." The blonde replied sulking a little.

"I see, you're still as stupid as you are Aoki." Fuji deadpanned.

"That's very mean!"

The waiter soon arrived as he place a tray of food on their table. Just as they start eating, a drunk man came in holding a bottle of sake. One of the waiters tried to stop him but he just pushed him aside and forced himself in. As he walk pass by the trio, he accidentally tripped on Aoki's cane he put aside.

"You! Are you trying to trip me?!" The drunk man exclaimed slamming down his bottle of sake on their table.

"I'm sorry sir. What happened was an accident and none of my intention at all." Aoki formally apologized as he continue eating.

"Huh?! Not your intention?! Pay me then!" The drunk demanded.

The waiter tried to stop him but Aoki just waved his hand as a signal for him not to interfere.

"My apologies but, I don't see any injuries caused by me. If you may excuse us, please get out since we're eating here peacefully." Aoki calmly replied.


The drunk man was about to grab him by the collar when Fuji stood up and held him by the wrist. She squeezed it for a little and the drunk guy soon fell on his knees crying in pain.

"Coming here bothering the customers eating peacefully just to take money, you're a disgusting piece of trash." She blurted out glaring down at him.

The drunk man soon felt the cold aura radiating from her as he lifted himself up and ran out holding his wrist. Fuji soon grabbed his bottle of sake and gently put it down the counter before walking back to her spot.

"As always, still short tempered aren't we?" Aoki said grinning at her.

"Shut up or you're next." Fuji threatened making the male flinch.

Kai just sighed as he continue eating his food with them. He soon noticed a figure pass by them but shrugged it off, not until he heard a certain voice.

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