Haruna Oneshot: ... Thank you

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As Haruna stare at the moon, she felt someone poke her shoulder. She snap her head to her side to see Kazumi.

"How come you're still not asleep?" Kazumi asked.

"Nothing, nii-sama. It's just that, I don't know whether my mother's still alive or not. I mean.... I haven't seen her ever since my father kicked her out." Haruna answered.

"I see. Although I myself worry too, I'm just the same as you, I have no idea where she could possibly be."

The two stayed there outside looking at the moon.

"Do you think, I'll be able to become a slayer just like you?" Haruna asked lifting up her feet as she hug her knees.

"Of course you will. As long as you believe in yourself and be able to pass the training." Kazumi answered patting her head.

'To be honest, I am scared. I am scared to become a slayer. But seeing people losing their loved ones because of those creatures makes me feel like I wanted to protect them. I.... wanted to protect them like nii-sama.'

Upon the next day, Haruna started her training along with Kano. It was very very hard at first, whenever she hears Ringo shout at her and Kano, she could always feel her body stiffen. Along this training, she managed to improve her sense of smell too. She could smell any scent and be able to tell what it is.

"You're doing great at your sword swings, but you're still slow!" Ringo said sweeping her off her feet barehanded.

Haruna groaned a little as she get up. She hurriedly grabbed her wooden sword again and charged forward at Ringo. The whole day passed by of her not being able to hit Ringo and always being thrown on the ground. Her whole body aches but, just like Kano, she's determined to become a slayer. After a month of staying there, Kazumi took her and Kano at the Butterfly Estate to visit Shinobu.

"Ara~ ara~, I'm glad you three came to visit." Shinobu said greeting them at the door.

"I'm happy that you're fine with it Shino-san." Kazumi replied.

As they walk inside, they all looked at the girl standing outside the garden staring at the butterflies.

"That's Kanao-chan, she's my tsuguko and also my adoptive little sister. She's on the same age as the both of you." Shinobu said looking at Kano and Haruna.

"She seems.... to be a quiet person." Haruna said.

'Her scent, I don't smell any emotion from her.'

As Kazumi and Shinobu have their own time to talk, Kano and Haruna approached Kanao.

"Hello there!" Kano greeted.

Kanao turned around to look at them.

"Hello, my name's Azakura Haruna!"

"And I'm Kano!"

Kanao stayed silent until she pulled out a coin and flipped it. It showed tails.

"I'm Tsuyuri Kanao." She replied.

Kano and Haruna spent their time with her. Trying their best to make her talk without her coin.

"I use this coin to decide whenever I'm alone or when I wasn't given any orders by my Master." Kanao explained.

"I see, so you can't make decisions on your own." Haruna said rubbing her chin.
"But that's alright! We'll make you talk without the need of the coin! Even if it's just little by little! Me and Kano are your friends after all!" She beamed.

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