Chapter 47: Dress Up and Begin

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Today's the day they've been waiting for, the day for them to go to Yamamoto Village in order to attend the young master's birthday celebration. They all have their gifts ready for him and agreed to meet at one place in which is the Ubuyashiki Estate.

"You two sure look flamboyant with those kimonos!" Tengen complimented Mitsuri and Shinobu with their beautiful kimonos.

"Thank you Uzui-san!" Mitsuri replied flattered.

"You too Uzui-san." Shinobu complimented back.

They are all wearing their best and beautiful outfits instead of their uniforms. And now chatting about how excited they are to go to his place while trying their best to keep it low since their Master is resting inside.

"Look! Kazumi-chan's here!" Mitsuri pointed her finger at Kazumi who just arrived.

As what they all have half-expected. She's under her disguise as Takahara Ryuugi, wearing a navy blue kimono with a black undergarment, black hakama pants and a black haori.

"You sure look good with your clothes Kazumi! I mean, Takahara!" Kyojuro praised.

"Thank you Kyojuro-san, same goes for everyone here." Kazumi replied.

"Don't worry, we already know on how to call you with your 'other name'." Sanemi said making sure she doesn't have to trouble herself to remind them.

"I see, that's very good then."

"Now then, it's time for everyone to go!" Mitsuri cheerfully called.

They all started their travel to Yamamoto Village. After leaving the estate, they were met by the men sent by Ayato to escort them. All the horses are ready for each of them and a cart pulled by a horse is ready for Shinobu and Mitsuri. The two ladies went in as the men with Ryuugi mounted their individually given horses.

"What a coincidence! Even your horse is black!" Kyojuro stated looking at Kazumi in front of him.

"Yeah, I didn't even expect this to happen." Ryuugi replied.
"And besides.... Shinazugawa-san and Uzui-san's horses are white, same as their hair." He added turning his head to them.

They all just chuckled at this before continuing on their way.

After travelling for almost four hours, they finally arrived at their destination. As they get closer to the village, they noticed the snow peaked mountain. In the village, they saw so many people and the buildings, the so called village almost looked like a city, they even saw a beautiful field of flowers from the distance. They smiled as the people they pass by all smiled and wave at them.

"Look mother! Visitors from another place!" A child said while admiring the Pillars who arrived and passed by them.

"This place sure is very flamboyant!" Tengen stated while looking at the people and the buildings.

"What wonderful sound they make." Gyomei stated as he hear several people praise them and greet them.

"Look Shinobu-chan! Isn't that a cute one!" Mitsuri said looking at the little girl they passed by.

"Everyone of them are cute."

"Hmm, you're right!"

As they arrive at the place of the village chief, they were surprised at how big it is. And even more at how beautiful it is inside.

"Woah...." they all stated as Giyu, Obanai, Muichiro, Gyomei, and Ryuugi stayed silent.

'No doubt, this place really is beautiful.'
Muichiro thought while looking at it.

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