Chapter 51: New Friend

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As they all kept on having fun. The night slowly came. The people slowly decreased as they all went back to their homes until there were no people there but the Midorime family and the Pillars.

"You must be Takahara Ryuugi-san."

Ryuugi turned around to see the same boy he bumped earlier.

"Oh yes, it's me. Is there something wrong?" He asked fully facing the male.

"I'm Midorime Touya, nice to meet you Takahara-san." He said reaching for his hand out.

"Taka or Ryu's fine Midorime-san." Ryuugi replied shaking his hand.

"Then just call me Touya too Ryu-kun! It's really nice having new friends!"

"I see. Is that why you approached me?"

"Yes, I'm happy to meet someone my age so suddenly and be friends with them. It's just that.... our first encounter's quite funny." Touya said while smiling sheepishly.

"I agree. How old are you anyway?"

"I'm twelve!"

"Then perhaps.... you can call me nii-san or senpai."

"Huh? How come?"

"Because I'm sixteen Touya-kun." Ryuugi answered.

Touya was shocked, to mistaken someone to be the same age as him just because of the height made him embarrassed.

"I-I'm sorry.... I thought...."

"It's alright, as long as we can still be friends."

As the two were having a chat, the Pillars were glancing back and forth at them.

"Ara~ ara~, look who just made a new friend." Shinobu said.
"But if he also offers some ridiculous thing to her, I'll pry him off from her." She added in a whisper with her usual smile.

The Pillars looked at her somehow giving her an approving look.

"He looked nice though." Mitsuri said.

But her happiness at watching them suddenly turned into a frown when the other boy pulled Ryuugi away and led him to who knows where. Their eyebrows twitched.

"Hey, does that boy know we are here too?" Sanemi asked gritting his teeth.

"To pull someone just like that away from us is very unflamboyant." Tengen mumbled eyeing the direction where the two went.

As the two got out and ran to the the garden, they stopped at the small bridge above a huge pond. Touya looked so happy to have someone to spend time with other than his brothers here.

"Touya-kun, aren't you afraid your parents might scold you for suddenly disappearing inside?" Ryuugi asked looking at him.

"No, as long as I won't get hurt or come back without any scratches." Touya answered.
"I'm sorry for suddenly taking you here. I got carried away."

"It's alright besides, that moon's beautiful."

Touya looked up to the night sky and saw the moon shining surrounded with the twinkling stars. He then shifted his gaze to Ryuugi who's still looking up.



".... That scar on your forehead, was that because of those creatures called demons?"

"I guess I could say yes." Ryuugi answered looking at Touya.
"Let's just say I'm lucky that I'm still alive."

"Is being a slayer that risky?" Touya asked with a worried look.

"Demons are man-eating creatures. They devour humans in order to survive and increase their power, they wouldn't even care who they devour. Their own family, friends, relatives, and so on."

"That's.... very cruel." Touya said having a saddened look on his face.

"I know. That's why there are Demon Slayers, they're the ones who kept on fighting these creatures in order to save humanity from them. Even if the government don't recognize our organization, we will still fight." Ryuugi replied leaning forward putting his elbows on the fence of the bridge.

"What?! Is that true? The government did that?!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure they have their own reasons. Besides, there are also demons who stopped devouring humans, they're the good ones. They help humans despite being different from them."

"Really? That's very amazing then!"

"I know. But then, for others, it'll be very hard for them to believe at that kind of fact. Which is understandable for me though."

As the two have a chat. Someone approached them.

"So you're just here. You made mother and father worried moron!" The man said giving Touya a slight smack on the head.

"I'm really sorry onii-chan. I got carried away having a new friend." Touya replied rubbing his head.

"I'm sorry for my brother's rudeness here, by the way, I'm Midorime Suzuki." The man said with a smile, he has the same green eyes and black hair tied in a ponytail.

"It's alright. Nice to meet you Midorime Suzuki-san." Ryuugi replied.

"Let's all go inside, it's getting late." Suzuki said leading the way.

Along the way they managed to have a little chat. Ryuugi got to know that they're all four brothers. Suzuki being the third and Touya being the fourth. Their second brother, Shu, was one of the participants of the cooking competition earlier. Their eldest brother, Tomoe, is inside with their parents.

"I see, that's very nice hearing you four still have the chance to get together despite having different attitudes." Ryuugi commented.

"Yeah. Tomoe nii-san being the strict yet caring one, Shu nii-san being the one having the most prideful demeanor and meanest of all yet an understanding one, me being the most responsible and a worrywart, and this one here..." Suzuki said as he look at Touya by the end of his words.
".... this one being the playful, hardheaded and yet shy towards other people."

"Onii-chan! Why do you have to say that! I'm not shy anymore!" Touya protested.

"Alright alright, only a bit then."


The three soon reached the main living room. The Pillars and the Midorime family, along with Ayato's, are already sitting and the trays being delivered in front of them.

"You three are just on time. Sit and let's all have dinner." Ayato's father called out.

They all went to their respective seats and sat down.

"Did you and that boy played at the garden? You suddenly disappeared." Shinobu asked with her usual smile as if she didn't saw him being dragged away earlier and getting upset about it.

"Oh! I'm sorry. Yes, me and Touya-kun just had a little chat outside." Ryuugi answered.

"Oh.... so his name's Touya. Alright clear." Muichiro said while scribbling on what seems to be a little pocket book of his.

"What's that for Tokito-kun?" Ryuugi asked.

"Nothing." Muichiro replied.
"In case he would do something, I just have to look for his name I've written.... then hunt him down."

"That's mean Tokito-kun."

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