Chapter 88: Secret News

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As the sun rise, the kakushis came and carried the slayers back to the Butterfly Estate. Kyojuro who received fatal wounds fell unconscious seconds after Kazumi left. Tanjiro then looked worried for Kyojuro, as he was being carried by a kakushi, he looked back to the forest.

'Should I be worried?'
Tanjiro asked himself mentally as he shift his gaze from the forest to the road ahead.

As this happened, Fuji and Kai took the forest route to reach the train. It took them a while to arrive since they needed to slow down for the slayers to be taken away first before the both of them arrive.

"I'm sure that Flame Pillar's alive." Fuji said with an expressionless face.

"Well, Master's there so he's safe. Although, he's one of the people who turned their backs from her, he's still a slayer." Kai replied sighing at the end.

"Master never changed.... she still seemed to not harbor any hate towards anyone at all just like before." Fuji added.

The both of them finally arrived at the train and searched for that certain passenger immediately in which, they were successful to find.

"Me?" The boy asked.

He's the same boy who entered Tanjiro's dream. The boy who have an incurable disease, tuberculosis.

"Yes, our Master heard about your condition and ordered us to take you with us." Fuji said.

"Here, for you to believe us." Kai said showing medicine tubes from his sling bag.

The boy looked at it then to them. He seemed convinced by this and agreed to go with them. Since the estate is far, Kai has to carry him on his back. Fuji then checked on the others and made sure no one's injured before leaving them.

[At the Butterfly Estate....]

By the time Tanjiro and the others arrived, Shinobu and Aoi quickly went to work. Shinobu immediately took care of Kyojuro knowing his wounds are fatal. If he won't receive an immediate medical attention, he'll die of internal bleeding. Aoi took care of Tanjiro seeing that he has a stab wound. Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko were given their own rooms to rest for a while until they're all doing well.

As the operation finished, Kyojuro and Tanjiro remained unconscious.

"Kocho-sama, it was said that Azakura-sama went after the demon who attacked Rengoku-sama." A kakushi reported.

"So what? She could go all the way to the forest and don't come back for all I care." Shinobu replied still with her smile.

"B-But.... she-she was the one who saved him."

".... So? That's her job. She's a Pillar."

After this, Shinobu walked away while the kakushi remained still. He then decided to tell this to the other kakushi that serve at the Frost Estate, Uyeda, Satoshi's father. Both of them are kakushis. As he walk towards the estate, he hid behind some bushes and waited for Uyeda to walk by. It took him half a day to be able to see him.

"Uyeda-san!" He called.

"Huh? What're you doing here?" The brunette male with light brown eyes similar to Satoshi's asked.

"I have something about Azakura-sama." The kakushi answered.

Uyeda looked around before joining his friend behind the bushes.

"I heard from a slayer Kamado Tanjiro that Azakura-sama went after the upper moon demon who attacked and fought the Flame Pillar. I already told this to Kocho-sama but, as usual, she's still angry at her and...." the kakushi stated.

"Didn't care at all." Uyeda finished.

The kakushi could only nod sadly. Uyeda patted his back before thanking him for the information. The kakushi instantly went back to the Butterfly Estate before someone could notice him missing, while Uyeda went back instantly at the Frost Estate. He quickly went to Ringo and Mei. He told them everything he heard from his kakushi friend as they talk in front of Kazumi's room.

"How dare that little girl say something like that to Master." Ringo said gritting her teeth.

"Now I'm worried, that demon's an upper moon." Mei said having a worried expression.

The two stayed silent before looking worried hearing Mei's words. Uyeda could only sigh.

"Let's don't lose hope. We shouldn't belittle our own Master." Ringo said trying to ease them up despite her being even more worried than them.

"Tetsuya-san and his family are still here, are we going to tell them?" Mei asked.

"Better not. Master won't like it if they got worried. This news should be kept within the three of us only." Ringo answered.
"And don't even bother telling this to your own son." She continued glaring at Uyeda.

Uyeda gulped as him and Mei nodded in agreement before they all went to do their own thing like nothing happened. Ringo looked up the sky as she saw a flock of birds fly by.

'Those Pillars.... have become worst than I thought.'
Ringo thought as she grab a wooden sword and train in a forest out from everyone's sight at the estate.

[At the Butterfly Estate....]

Right after Shinjuro and Senjuro heard the news about Kyojuro, the two instantly went to the Butterfly Estate to check on him. Shinjuro's worried sick, he already lost his wife, and he would regret it if he loses one of his sons. He slammed the door open revealing an unconscious Kyojuro lying on a bed with tubes of IV's connected to his hand and arm.

"He's fine now, he just needs some rest." Shinobu informed them.

"I see, thank you Kocho." Shinjuro replied.

"I'll take my leave now. Please just call me if you need anything." Shinobu said as she left the room to give them some time.

"Father, when do you think will aniue wake up?" Senjuro asked looking at his older-brother.

"I don't know. But what's important now is that he's fine." Shinjuro answered taking a sit on a chair beside Kyojuro's bed.

'Ruka.... please.... please help our son recover and don't take him away.... please.... wake him up.'
Shinjuro pleaded in his thoughts as he stare pitifully at his son's unconscious body.

The father and son spent the whole day there before going back to their home promising to visit again tomorrow and try to ask the others who went with Kyojuro on a mission about the fight.

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