Chapter 11: A New Life

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     Ringo is seen sweeping outside the Frost Estate. This is her duty everyday since she's always the first one to wake up, she would sweep at the garden, verandas, and finally outside the estate. She's used to doing this even when Kazumi would often tell her not to do it everyday, she still would. She wanted to keep the place clean so her Master doesn't have to tire herself up cleaning whenever she comes home. She's really happy doing this.

"Good morning Ringo-san." A voice suddenly greeted behind her.

Ringo got shocked and snapped her head behind. She then sighed in relief.

"Good morning too Master but please, don't do that very often." Ringo said as she smile at the person in front of her.

"Alright." Kazumi replied giving her a peace sign.

The two went inside and Kazumi is greeted with the children hugging her. They are smiling as they're very happy that she's finally home.

"You're finally home Oka-sama." Ai cheerfully said.

"Yeah, Hideshi still would often ask us when you're coming home." Togashi said looking at his twin brother.

"But we would play with him and accompany him." Otaru said smiling brightly.

They all greeted her with cheerful smiles on their faces.

"Look, look Kazumi-sama! Mitsuki-kun's hair is now cut and combed neatly." Setsuko said tugging Kazumi's clothes as she point at Mitsuki.

Mitsuki's messy waist-length hair back then, is now a straight chest-length hair tied in a low pony tail.

"Hmm.... it's really nice Mitsuki-kun. I wonder who did that?" Kazumi asked patting Mitsuki's head.

"Of course it's me! I'm the one who styled his hair Kazumi-sama!" Nahori cheerfully answered pointing her thumb to herself.
"His hair was really messy and full of lice and so I took care of it." She continued crossing her arms smiling proudly.

"I see, it looks good on him. Thank you Nahori-chan."

"Y-yes!" Nahori replied with a slight blush on her face.

"Onee-chan, you're blushing." Kiori said chuckling a little at her sister's slightly red face.

They all decided to go to the dining room where Mei and Chiyo are.

"Welcome back Master." Mei greeted.
"You're just in time for breakfast."

As they all take their sits, Kazumi noticed something, someone's missing.

"Mei-san, do you know where Chiyo-san is?" Kazumi asked.

"Oh.... well.... she just went to the bathroom a while ago. I think she's sick since she was covering her mouth while rushing there." Mei answered as they saw Chiyo enter the dining room.

"I'm really sorry for a while ago Mei-san." Chiyo apologized.

"No it's alright, come on let's eat." Mei said smiling at her.

     Right after their breakfast, Chiyo again, went to the bathroom. The children have question marks in their heads with what's happening but, Mei, Ringo and Kazumi already knew what's happening. As the children walk out of the dining room, only the three ladies and Kazumi are left inside the room.

"May I ask, how long have you been feeling like that, Chiyo-san?" Kazumi asked.

"Um.... I think today's the fourth or fifth day." Chiyo answered.

"Well.... we think we already know the reason." Mei said with a bright smile.

"You know Chiyo, that's common. To feel nauseous, have morning sickness and headaches." Ringo said as she cross her arms.

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