Chapter 85: Ending in a Dream

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     As Inosuke and Tanjiro charge forward. Inosuke managed to get there first since he used the passenger cars' rooftop as a pathway.

'Rengoku-san is covering five passenger cars. Inosuke found the enemy's vital spot. And Zenitsu and Nezuko are fighting hard. I've got to be useful too! I've got to defend everyone!'
Tanjiro thought as he's still stuck at cutting the flesh down as he run forward.

"Graaah!" Inosuke exclaimed as he slash the roof of the front car multiple times before jumping in.
"Hraaah! Something's suspicious around here!"

"Who are you?! G-Get out!" The train driver said.

"The demon's head! The demon's vital spot!" Inosuke said charging forward.

Hands extended towards him as they tried to reach him. He then used his swords as he swings it and slice them off but it just kept on regenerating and adding up. As he kept on slashing it, some of it managed to grab his boar mask.

"Water Breathing, sixth form: Whirlpool!"

Tanjiro came as he charged forward and slashed the arms surrounding Inosuke with a water like whirlpool surrounding them as the both of them stayed put in the center.

'Directly below! The demon's smell is strong right under this place!'
Tanjiro thought as he look down.

"Inosuke! The demon's head is right under us!"

"Don't order me around! I'm the boss! Beast Breathing, second fang: Slice 'n' dice!"

Inosuke swung his sword down making a cross shaped slash that opened the floor.

Tanjiro thought, shocked as he saw a bone underneath instead of the head itself.
'Its neck bone!'

"Water Breathing, eighth form: Waterfall Basin!"

Tanjiro swung his blade downwards in an attempt to cut it but flesh and hands blocked his attack and the opened floor instantly healed closing the hole.

"Inosuke! Let's match our breathing attack together! One of us will cut the flesh and the other will cut the bone!" Tanjiro instructed.

"Got it! Good idea! You have my praise!"


As they do what Tanjiro have planned. The flesh started to have eyes on them with the kanji character for 'dream'. The eyes moved to look at Tanjiro's.

'Blood Demon Art! It got me! It'll put me to sleep!'
Tanjiro thought in a panic.

"Inosuke, cut down your own throat in the dream! You'll wake up!"

Right after that, he was put to sleep again. As he was about to fall, he immediately woke up gaining back his footing. But as he opened his eyes, the demon's eyes were right in front of him putting him to sleep again.

'How stupid of me! I need to close my eyes when I woke up or I'll fall under the spell again.'
Tanjiro thought as he woke up again and slashed the arms in front of him.

But even as he kept on waking up and trying to wake up with his eyes closed, he can't do it. As he sent an attack and landed on a demon flesh, he looked down just to see a demon eye again.

'It's no use! Wake up! I gotta cut my throat fast and wake up! Wake up!'
He thought as he put his blade beside his neck to cut himself, but Inosuke managed to stop him on time.

"This is no dream! This is reality!" He said as he cut off an arm.
"Don't fall into that trap! Don't die a fool's death! Gwahahahaha! I wear the hide of the lord of the mountain! So I'm too scary to look in the eye, right?!"

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