Chapter 4: A New Home

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"What a pity, those four are left nowhere to go and even that lady." Shinobu said as she looked at them being aided by the kakushis at one area.

Kazumi walked towards them followed by Shinobu. The kakushis finished aiding them then stepped aside.

"I'm Azakura Kazumi and it's really nice to meet you all." Kazumi introduced herself with a smile.

"I'm Kocho Shinobu." Shinobu simply introduced herslef with her usual smile like Kazumi.

Kazumi crouched down to their level since they're sitting.

"I would like to ask, what are your names?" Kazumi asked smiling at them.

The children were very silent thinking if they should introduce theirselves or not. Finally, the boy whom Kazumi saved from nearly being devoured stood up.

"I'm Otaru, and I'm eight." The boy with a light brown hair and dark brown eyes said.

The other three and even the widowed lady looked at him.

"Thank you for saving me Kazumi-san." He said with a bow.

"There's no need to thank me, I came late that your parents and a lot of people have to die. I'm sorry." Kazumi replied.

She was smiling but they felt the sadness in her words and the warmth of her smile.

"There's no need for you to apologize, I'm Setsuko, and I'm seven." A girl with a short black hair and black eyes said.

"I'm Mitsuki, and I'm nine." The boy with a messy long brown hair and black eyes said.

"And I'm Shizuko, I'm eight like Otaru." The boy with a raven colored hair and olive brown eyes said.

"You children have really nice names." Shinobu said with a closed eye smile.

"How about you miss?" Kazumi asked looking at the lady.

"I-I'm Chiyo." The lady with a waist length black hair and blue eyes answered.

"I'm sorry for your loss Chiyo-san." Kazumi said.

"There's no need for you to apologize.... although you did came late, you still managed to drive away the demon out here from our village and killed it. Hearing the monster who took my husband's life away dead is enough... Although, I'm still sad." Chiyo said with her head down and trying her best not to cry.

Kazumi and Shinobu was saddened seeing these five lose their loved ones they only have left.

"Do you have anywhere to go after this Chiyo-san?" Shinobu asked.

"I'm afraid I don't. I don't have any parents, and my in-laws hates me just because I don't have any riches or enough money to give them. Because of that, my husband and I moved here at this village two years ago." Chiyo answered.

"I see, how cruel of them." Shinobu replied comforting the lady.

"How about you children?" Kazumi asked.

"I don't have anywhere to go too, my grandparents from my father's side already died and so is my grandparents from my mother's side." Otaru answered.

"Me too, my father was once wrongly accused as a criminal so no one really liked me in this village, my mother also had passed away." Shizuko answered hugging his knees and burying his face on them.

"I only have my brother but now, he's already gone. I don't know if we have any relatives here in this village since we're just slaves of a wealthy family." Setsuko answered with her head down.

"Me too, ever since my parents passed away, I became homeless and only roam around here in the village. No one wanted someone like me who's dirty and filled with fleas." Mitsuki answered scratching his back.

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