Chapter 37: Lost Friend

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Ryuugi is currently sitting outside the inn. He has to keep his self awake in case of any demon attack. While sitting down, he heard the doors sliding open showing Sunako as he sat down beside him.

"I'm sorry for Minamoto-sama's rudeness earlier." Sunako said showing a nervous smile.

"It's alright, I understand. But.... Is he really like that?" Ryuugi replied.

"No of course! Minamoto-sama is a really kind and caring person.... it's just that...." Sunako's a bit hesitant to continue.

"It's alright Suna-san! You don't have to continue it if it's that private." Ryuugi said patting Sunako's shoulder.

Sunako just sighed and smiled. He knew well why his young master is acting like that.

"You see, all four of us were childhood friends. We saw and watched each other train and grow, me being the oldest of course. It's just that.... almost everything about him changed after that incident." Sunako looked down.

"Why? What happaned?" Ryuugi asked looking at the saddened man.

"He once had a really close friend. The only person who treated him like a normal one. Without even calling him young master or being formal towards him, so the two of them became close. But soon after that.... tragedy happened and he lost her." Sunako answered gripping his pants tightly.
"It was already too late for him to realize that, he loved her more than a friend."

"Is that why.... he's acting like that?"

"Yeah. Ever since then, he changed. He bacame cold and tempered. He would spend all of his time in his room reading and painting. He stopped using swords and bows and arrows. He's the only son, and even when he kept on getting arranged to some random girl for marriage, he would decline. He already declined several marriage proposals. He just really can't move on."

"It must've hurt him a lot."

"Yes. Up until now, even if he won't tell us, he's still blaming his own self."

"I think you should rest now Suna-san. You guys should stay by his side knowing that he's like that."

Sunako just nodded in silence before standing up and going back inside.

"Taka-kun, thank you for understanding." Sunako said before closing the doors.

Ryuugi looked up the night sky adorned with many stars. As he sat there longer, he sensed the familiar presence walking towards him.

"Ara~ Ara~, aren't you suppose to be slaying a demon instead of sitting there?" A voice said.

He turned his head to his side just to see the Insect Pillar, Kocho Shinobu, together with her adoptive younger sister and tsuguko, Tsuyuri Kanao.

"I'm sorry. I'm currently assigned in an escorting mission that's why I'm sitting here." Ryuugi replied.

"Escorting mission...." Shinobu's eyes soon landed on the sword beside the slayer.

Her eyes widened as she recognized the hilt and the sword guard.

"Aza-chan?! I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that!" Shinobu instantly spoke out.

"Oh?! So you figured out! It's alright, no worries!" Kazumi replied waving a hand in front.

"Kazumi-chan." Kanao said tilting her head to the side.

"Yep! I'm under a disguise!" Kazumi replied clapping her hands together.

Shinobu and Kanao walked closer to her and looked at her carefully.

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