Chapter 44: Long Time No See

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She arrived at the location given to her for her new mission. As she roam around the area, she suddenly stopped on her tracks and turned around. There's no one behind her but trees and bushes. She sighed and walked closer to a certain tree.

"Ne~, how long are you going to hide yourself?"

With that said, a figure slowly came out. Because of the bright half-moon, its light managed to reveal how the figure looked like. He has a short red hair, light blue skin, long sharp dark-red nails, two pairs of marking on his cheeks that seemed to be whiskers, and glowing bright blue eyes.

"So you noticed me." He said.
"Name's Akashi, and yours?"

"Aren't you a friendly one Akashi-san? But then I have to kill you." Kazumi answered.

"Aww c'mmon.... I wanna know your name before I kill you." He said cracking his knuckles.

His smirk widened at the sight of the person in front of him. Unlike the other first slayer he met and killed, this second one is smaller and seems younger. He stopped his self from drooling at his newly found food by gulping down all his saliva that were attempting to spill out of his mouth.

"You seem really hungry right now." Kazumi said holding the hilt of her sword.

"Yes I am! And you'll be my meal!" Akashi replied.

He dashed forward intending to grab her from the below but she jumped away. He then jumped from tree to tree around Kazumi planning to confuse the slayer.

"Aren't you a small and young one boy? It seems like eating you will be easy and fast." He said before jumping at her from behind.

"You're too proud of yourself aren't you?" She replied turning around.

Akashi's eyes widened and tried to impale her with his hand but, too late. In just a split second, he felt his arm cut off and his body in half from his torso. He fell on the ground screaming in agony.


He turned his eyes to Kazumi who just sheathed her sword and walking towards him. He tried to regenerate but he can't, all he could feel is pain surging inside his body.

"Pitiful aren't you. You should've been more aware before jumping into action." Kazumi said looking down at the demon.

The demon didn't get the chance to utter another word as he stopped moving and slowly disintegrated.

Soon after that, Kazumi felt an incoming attack from behind her. As she jumped away from her position, she saw four senbon needles struck the ground. Landing gracefully on her feet, she looked at the figure that's slowly walking out of the dark. He's wearing a black half cloak only reaching his waist. As he pulled down the hood of his cloak, it revealed his blonde hair with brown tips reaching his shoulders, his eyes with the color of orange similar to that of a cat staring at her figure.

"So, what the Master said was true. You're really alive...." He said walking closer to the needles stuck on the ground and picked it up.
".... Long time no see, Kazumi." He continued with an evil smirk plastered on his face.

"I see, so he sent you after me. Long time no see, Tetsuko." Kazumi replied still with her usual smile and calm voice.

"Aren't you even thrilled to see me again?" He asked waving his hand while holding the senbon needles he just picked up.


"How unfortunate of me then. Here I am expecting you to be surprised or anything and yet it looks like me showing up is nothing for you." Tetsuko said scratching the side of his head.
"Anyway, I was sent here to take you with me and bring you to him."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I'll just eliminate you."

Tetsuko dashed forward in front of Kazumi, both of his hands occupied with senbon needles. He aimed it all at Kazumi in which she deflected them all with the use of her sword. He grabbed another handful of needles again and kept on throwing it at her.

"As expected! You didn't even change! After this long time of not seeing each other, you know my moves well!" He stated with excitement in his voice.
"But this time I've changed!"

He soon moved his fingers and all of the needles that were on the ground rose up and went directly to Kazumi. She backflipped to dodge the needles and deflected some of them using her sword. Despite this, the needles still went after her, she then slashed them with her sword cutting all the needles down.

"Impressive! Not even a scratch! You've really changed too!" Tetsuko said clapping his hands twice.

"Tell me, what does he need from me?" Kazumi asked.

She soon used her sword to block Tetsuko's attack. He's now right in front of her with a huge needle. Their weapons now having contact with the other as they block each other.

"Please don't act innocent. You know what the Master wanted." Tetsuko answered jumping away from her to gain some distance.

"I see, you guys are still the same old like before. What a pity."

Kazumi dashed forward at him waving her sword to which Tetsuko deflected them all. Both their expressions not changing despite the fight, Tetsuko with his evil grin and Kazumi with her calm smile.

"What's there to pity about?"

Tetsuko held his needle in an attempt to stab her but she spun around and hit him on the face with the hilt of her sword. He then instantly sent her a side-kick which she dodged by jumping back. He ran a finger under his lips and saw blood. He merely smirked at this.

"I must say that's a hard one."

"Don't worry masochist, I'll give you more."

The two charged at each other with their weapons causing slight sparks as both blades made contact with the other. Tetsuko again moved his fingers and five needles came out of his cloak and went after Kazumi, seeing this, she kicked him on the gut and jumped at the side. She could hear his giggle after that kick.

"Ahahahaha! I'll show you more of what I've learned! That's why...." He held his needle in front of him.
".... give it your all too, Kazumi!"

He controlled his needles and aimed it directly at her. She slashed the three needles in front of her while bending down to dodge the needles coming from her side and back. She instantly moved her sword upwards to deflect Tetsuko's needle, he was surprised but he easily hid it with his evilish grin.

"Time's up, I still have food to eat." Kazumi said.

She dashed forward cutting his needle into two but then, several needles burst out of the ground. She dodged by jumping away and flipping back but she nearly got impaled in the abdomen if not for her blocking it with her sword. Tetsuko surrounded himself with huge needles.


'We are never enough to him. He turned me and Naruki into demons yet he still wanted her! We were loyal to him and served him with all honesty and yet he still wanted her back! Just what the hell does she have that we don't?!'
Tetsuko ranted in his mind while fighting Kazumi.

He knew that her blade's poisoned so he kept on trying his best to dodge it. Despite eating countless marechis, seeing his opponent, he still felt as if he's powerless. It made him frustrated.

"DAMMIT! DIE!" He shouted losing his own patience.
"Blood Demon Art: ...."

As he move his fingers up, the needles from the ground grew larger and longer.

".... Needle Branches!"

The needles grew another needles to several sides of their main body that were attached to the ground.

"NOW DIE!!!"

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